Woman who served poisoned sweets to passersby in a Tiraspol park sent for forced treatment

The woman who was caught serving poisoned sweets to passersby in a Tiraspol park last spring has been admitted to a psychiatric facility and will undergo forced treatment. She has been released from criminal liability after expert evaluations determined that she lacked discernment, IPN reports.

Media in the Transnistrian region writes that in early April, the woman purchased rat poison from a city market and mixed it into biscuits and buns. She then went to the park, where she offered the poisoned pastries to both children and adults.

After tasting the sweets, a 38-year-old woman and two minors felt unwell and sought medical help.

The woman was detained in the park by the parents of one of the children who had eaten the poisoned treats.

Expert evaluations confirmed that the suspect has mental disorders and committed the act without discernment. As a result, she was released from criminal liability but will undergo mandatory psychiatric treatment.

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