What is your message to future President. IPN poll

On November 1, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova will be invited to elect the future President for a four-year term. IPN News Agency asked passersby “What is your message to the future President?” The answers can be seen below:

Ion Cataraga, 51, unemployed:

“I would like the future President to create new jobs, to build roads, to do many things. The elections should not be annulled as there is no reason. Only time and money will be lost. Who needs these newspapers? There is Internet and everything. Who needs pasta and newspapers and all this? The people know who and what does.”

Daria Ulianici, 33, consultant:

“He/she should do something for the people, not only for the own pocket. We all live here and have children and want the country to have a nice future. I tell you sincerely: I don’t believe in any of the candidates. I will go and vote. I will discuss with my husband and we will decide. We need not promises, but deeds.  I would like someone else to hold office. He promised a lot, but did practically nothing for the people. The biggest mistake, to my mind, is this quarantine that prevents us from developing. Our children could not go to school and kindergarten and we now see how the situation is like in the country. This quarantine did only harm.”

Mihail Chibercea, 26, building sector worker:

“I would like to transmit a message to the future president of the Republic of Moldova: to start with more changes in the center of the city, which is visited by a lot of people who come to see sights in the Republic of Moldova. The monuments, old buildings are in a bad state and should be renovated. Central Chisinau should look nice and attractive, as all the cities. The roads are in a bad state, primarily downtown. Only the road to Bălţi was built, but the roads in the center of the city are in a bad state, as are the roads in Buiucani, Botanica, Ciocana. Those who own cars pay for roads, but no changes are made. It’s not clear how the financing that comes from abroad is spent. They say the masks, respirators that come from abroad .are defective and sell them later in drugstores for 10-15 lei. This spoils the image of the Government and President. At country level, the young people who want to start a family and do not have a future in the country, do not have a place to stay and have to rent accommodations should be helped. Now apartment rental is very expensive and the salary of 5,000-6,000 lei is not enough as you have to also pay for public utilities, buy food and clothing in winter.”

Tatiana Belicci, 39, post office operator:

“The improvement of the quality of life in the city and in the village, in particular, as there are many abandoned lots. Even if they say that the harvest is larger than last year, we don’t feel this. When going to districts, you see land lying fallow and not only… There should be enterprises so that we have where to work. The people do not have jobs. They return to the country, but where should they work?”

Serghei Popov, 38, furniture factory employee:

“It would be great to have a minimum pension of 2,500 lei. If the future President does this, the people will surely appreciate him. The opening of schools, new kindergartens, roads, pensions, the rise in the average official salary and, in general, improvement of the population’s life. I, as most of the Moldovan citizens, expect such things to be done… We want to live on our land, to cultivate our land, to raise and educate our children on our land and to help them become ready for the future.”

Cristina Otgon, 29, office manager:

“I want the President to be honest, be a good manager and have a team spirit so that he could work together with the other state officials. He should offer us more possibilities for remaining in the country, jobs, assistance in buying a home. The young generations should enjoy possibilities. We need high-quality education and healthcare, but this does not depend on the President only. The whole administration should work on this. Proper cooperation is needed between the President, the Government and Parliament and good things could be done this way.”

Marina Florea, IPN

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