We should devote more time to spiritual mediation on Chisinau's Day, faithful persons

The God's Birth Cathedral was today too small for the hundreds of people who attended the religious ceremony dedicated to Chisinau's Birthday. This holiday means not only a lot of food and good mood in the family, alongside the relatives and friends, but also a moment of spiritual mediation as the faithful observe the Feast of the Intercession on October 14, said persons attending the service, Info-Prim Neo reports. “It is a tradition for me to go to the church on this day. My mother did so and I will teach by children to do the same. I think it is not right to remain at home this morning. Today's feast has a special meaning because Virgin Mary helps us overcome the difficulties,” said Ana Maritoi, a resident of Durlesti town. “Chisinau's Day is first of all an occasion for meditation, not for eating and entertaining oneself. In fact, the religious holidays bring you closer to God,” said Alexandra Atamanski. Aurica Bejenari from Chisinau said this feast should be marked not only in central Chisinau, but also in church. “We often say that God does not help us, but we should find time for mediation and prayer,” she added. The City's Day started to be celebrated in 1995 on the second Sunday in October. From 2000, Chisinau has marked its day on October 14, when it is observed the Feast of the Intercession.

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