We can now look with pride at sky and think freely owing to youth, Tudor Cataraga

Architect Tudor Cataraga presented the model of the future Freedom Monument situated in front of the Parliament's Building on April 7, when it was one year of the tragic events of April 7, 2009. Catarga bowed to the young people, saying: “We can now look with pride at the sky and think freely owing to the youth.” He promised that the monument in the form of a cross composed of 12 metal boards will be unveiled in a year. He said it will be made by a team of architects and sculptors under his guidance. On December 27 at about 5pm, the sculptor and his wife died in a road accident. Sources in the Traffic Police has told Info-Prim Neo that the Renault Megane driven by Tudor Cataraga skidded on the icy road and crashed into a truck. The car was projected into a ditch on the opposite side of the roadway. Tudor and his wife Dora died on the spot. The truck driver said he could not avoid the collision. According to the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service, 15 rescuers made effort to take the bodies of the two out of the damaged car.

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