We advocate return of citizens through legally motivated migration, Greceanii

The Republic of Moldova pays special attention in its migration policy to measures aimed to return citizens back, stated Speaker Zinaida Greceanii in her speech delivered at the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament. According to her, in this process, the first priority is given to the creation of attractive conditions to return for people who have gone abroad to study based on bilateral agreements. “On the level of the policy documents, the Republic of Moldova advocates the motivation of legal migration, with the subsequent return of citizens”, said Zinaida Greceanii.

The Speaker said that there are some polices in the implementation stage, with aim to create the opportunities to harness the abilities, skills and financial resources accumulated by migrant workers. At the same time, Zinaida Greceanii communicated that the Moldovan Government is working hard to negotiate bilateral agreements on the regulation of employment of Moldovan citizens abroad.

“I believe that countries of destination for migrants need to pay more attention to the subject of investment in economic development, infrastructure and security of countries of origin. Only then will our joint efforts result in positive social results globally. I often hear words of praise from my colleagues and friends from other states about Moldovans. Our task is to create such conditions in which they want to return home,” she said.

According to the Speaker, about 60 percent of migrant workers are people with high education. “Although people with higher education are less interested in the process of labor migration, however, in recent years there has also been a trend of growth in this group. The authorities of the Republic of Moldova manage migration, focusing to make more efficient the management of migration flows, paying attention to the legal migration of Moldovans and their return, to the families reunification, to the application of the acquired knowledge and skills for the development of villages and cities,” noted Zinaida Greceanii.

Labor migration has become the most obvious type of migration and has urged the international community to better cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination, said the Speaker.

About one million Moldovan citizens are believed to be currently migrants in nearly 45 countries of the world. Of them, labor migrants constitute 325,000 citizens, and the main destination countries are the Russian Federation, Italy and Israel.

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