Water released through Leuseni barrage in controlled way

The controlled release of water through an opening made in the barrage in Leuseni began at about 8.30 this morning. The move is aimed at preventing the flooding of other settlements and minimizing the damage caused by floodwaters in Hancesti district, the head of Moldova's Water Agency Victor Bujac told Info-Prim Neo. “The release of water from the flooded areas does not endanger other settlements situated along the lower course of the river,” Victor Bujac said. An estimated 750,000 cubic meters per second will be released through the opening. According to the Emergencies Service press officer Liliana Puscasu, the opening is 50 meters long and 50 centimeters wide. Chiril Sarbu, of Moldova's Water Agency, said the release of water from the lake in Leuseni will allow sucking back the floodwaters from Nemteni, Obileni and Sarateni villages. If a new flood wave similar to the previous ones enters Moldova, the Prut water level will rise in the meadow, but the water will be then absorbed back in the river. If the flood wave is larger, new settlements might be flooded.

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