Voronin: Moldova can become European country by joining Customs Union

Moldova can become a European countries by only choosing the status of member of the Customs Union, the leader of the Communist Party Vladimir Voronin said in a ceremony held to celebrate 20 years of the foundation of the PCRM, IPN reports.

Vladimir Voronin said that if the CIS member states join the Customs Union, Moldova will have stable relations with the EU and will enjoy multiple advantages in this respect. First of all, the country’s economy will become more stable. The companies will be able to enter the common historical market, while the prices of electricity and natural gas will be much lower. These are only some of the immediate effects of the accession to the Customs Union. Moldova will thus become a more powerful state and a stable partner of the EU.

The Communist leader criticized the current Government, saying it is ineffective and its work is to the detriment of the people and the whole country. For the country to be prosperous, there should be pursued more tolerant social policies: higher salaries and pensions, lower tariffs for services and more ‘human’ attitude on the part of the authorities. He also mentioned the fight against corruption, saying the Communists’ solution for combating corruption is to radically change the judicial system by allowing the people to directly elect the judges.

The Transnistrian conflict was also enumerated among the top priorities of the state. The Communists promised that if they come to power, they will find a compromise between Tiraspol and Chisinau and the dispute will be resolved.

Vladimir Voronin called on the political parties that share Communists’ ideas at least to a slight extent to become involved in the common struggle.

In the anniversary ceremony, Vladimir Voronin mentioned the persons who founded the PCRM, saying that few coped then with the political pressure exerted with the aim of banning the party. He named those who created the party two decades ago and rendered homage to those who are no longer alive.

The event involved hundreds of party members from all over the country. The ceremony ended with an artistic program.

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