Volume of freight decreased significantly

The volume of freight this November fell by 23% on last November. In the first ten months of this year, the figure declined by about 17% compared with the corresponding period of last years, said the National Bureau of Statistics. The Union of Transporters and Road Workers considers the economic crisis in the country and the region is one of the causes for such developments.

“The international freight transportation sector saw a decrease of over 35%. This is first of all due to the essential decline in Moldova’s exports and re-exports. The volume of freight transported by Moldovan companies from some countries to others decreased the most. This means that the markets are closing,” the Union’s chairman Vladimir Florea has told IPN.

The transportation of freight is also affected by the fact that costs increased. On the one hand, vehicle service became more expensive. On the other hand, the tariffs rose because there is competition between different types of transport, explained Vladimir Florea.

He stated that the neighboring countries experience a similar situation. “The fall is permanent. It is a sector crisis and not only. It is related to the economy in general. The decline in the world economy led to lower transport flows in Moldova too,” stated the chairman. As a result of the crisis, more than 50% of the carriers went bankrupt and leave the area.

The situation in the passenger transport sector is better. “The decline in this sector is not so significant and is associated with the lower financial possibilities of the population. The people no longer travel long distances as earlier,” said Vladimir Florea.

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