Vlah to Grosu: Initiate holding of referendum on neutrality

Irina Vlah, chairwoman of the newly created party "Heart of Moldova", proposed that Speaker of the Parliament Igor Grosu should start the necessary procedures for holding a referendum on neutrality simultaneously with next year's parliamentary elections, IPN reports.

In an open letter, Vlah explained that “this status has been periodically questioned by some of the officials holding responsible positions, who even suggest that the Republic of Moldova should renounce it and join a military alliance, and such statements raise concerns and the people fear that Moldova may be drawn into scenarios that undermine peace."

Thus, the head of the new party urges the Speaker of the Parliament to show political maturity. "You are also the chairman of the ruling party and you have the necessary number of MPs not only to start the legal procedure for organizing the referendum, but also to vote on the draft decision regarding the referendum date," stressed Irina Vlah.

The politician noted that financial resources will be saved if the ballots are held simultaneously.

Irina Vlah, however, admits that Igor Grosu could reject her proposal, respectively warns him that if he does not accept the approach to initiate the referendum, she will resort to other methods. "Together with the colleagues, we reserve the right to take other decisions so that the will of the people is implemented," reads the open letter addressed to the Speaker of the Parliament.

Irina Vlah ran as an independent candidate in the presidential election of October 20, 2024, when the constitutional referendum on joining the EU was also held.

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