Vladimir Voronin: We reached an agreement for four ministers to be dismissed

The chairman of the Party of Communists (PCRM) Vladimir Voronin said that they are to decide whether to file a censure motion or to take other steps to make the leaders of the government coalition Vlad Filat and Marian Lupu to fulfill the promise they made to the Communist before the Government was voted in. The two promised that ministers Viorel Cibotaru, Serghei Afanasenco, Maia Sandu and Sergiu Palihovici will be dismissed in two months, IPN reports.

In a news conference on April 1, Vladimir Voronin said that now the two ruling parties - the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party - invoke international norms providing that a minister should hold office for at least 100 days, which is against the agreement reached before voting for the new Government. The PCRM voted to name the Parliament’s administration and to invest the Government in order to bring to an end the political crisis in the country, but it didn’t and does not form part of the coalition. “We will not blindly vote bills. We hold talks with no one,” stated the Communist leader.

Vladimir Voronin also said that the Party of Communists will not take part in the hushing up of the actions that led to the stealing of €1 billion from three national banks and demands that all the secret documents signed by the former Government to fill the created void should be made public. The PCRM also demands dismissing the whole administration of the National Bank.

The PCRM is against liquidating Banca de Economii (Savings Bank) in which the state has a controlling interest and will demand that those who stole the money should be held accountable. Vladimir Voronin said the Communist faction attended the closed-door sitting of Parliament where the commission of inquiry’s report was examined because they want those to blame to be identified.

In another development, speaking about the Governor elections in Gagauzia won by his former party colleague Irina Vlah, Vladimir Voronin said this is a conclusive example that external forces become involved in Moldova’s internal affairs. He considers that these elections set a dangerous precedent for Moldova.

  • vladimir voronin despre considerentele votarii conducerii parlamentului si guvernului.mp3
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