Vladimir Voronin regrets destruction of USSR

The destruction of the USSR was a disaster for Moldova, the leader of the PCRM Vladimir Voronin said, in the context of 20 years of the destruction of the Soviet Union, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The event marked today is a tragedy not only for the Communists, but also for most of the Moldovans. The Soviet Union had potential and prospects. What can we do now? If we compare the USSR’s economic decline with the decline in Moldova during the last few years, in whose favor will be the comparison?” Vladimir Voronin told the press during a break in the Parliament’s sitting. According to Vladimir Voronin, Moldova is a small country, with insignificant natural resources and without development potential. On December 8, it is 20 years of the signing of the document that led to the dismemberment of the USSR.

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