Vlad Filat: We must have a Government installed by end-July

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) Vlad Filat said the end of July is the time limit by which the pro-European parties must form a parliamentary majority and the Government. Otherwise, the country will remain without financing for 2015. He made such a statement in the program “Fourth power” on N 4 TV channel, IPN reports.

“Under the Constitution, the deadline is the start of September. But we must yet agree with the IMF and the World Bank so as to obtain financial support on the part of the EU for covering the budget deficit. We must get this ‘health certificate’ that will make the investors come to us. Otherwise, we will face a financial catastrophe. The social welfare will be paid, but there will be no money for development,” stated the leader of the PLDM.

Referring to the formation of a government coalition, Filat said the main idea is to form a majority coalition between the PLDM, PDM and PL. “We had a meeting to discuss this issue. There is will on the part of all the sides. Everyone understood that the formation of a majority coalition is necessary and that we do not have much time at our deposal. We are to agree a number of issues, including the election of the head of state, so that no disagreements appear afterward,” he stated.

Asked if they will promise publicly that they will not form an alliance with the Communists, as the Liberals demanded, Vlad Filat noted that there is no place for cheating if serious negotiations are wanted. We analyzed the situation and will make effort to avoid the mistakes made after last year’s parliamentary elections. This time we will ensure transparency in the negotiations,” he said.

As to the Communist leader Vladimir Voronin’s call concerning the participation of all the parliamentary parties in the formation of the Government, Filat said he approves of Voronin’s gesture, but considers that this idea cannot be put into practice. “I hope Voronin was sincere and wanted to do something good given that the country is confronting serious problems. But I do not see how this idea can be implemented. A government orientated both to the EU and the Customs Union is not possible,” said the leader of the PLDM.

Asked if the party headed by his former colleague Iurie Leanca will be invited to the talks, Vlad Filat said in Parliament they discuss only with parties that exist indeed.

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