Vlad Filat: April 7 case is a conclusive example of weakness of justice

The April 7 case is a conclusive example of the weakness of the Moldovan justice, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said in the program “In Profunzime” on Pro TV, adding that they want to get at the truth, but are unable to, Info-Prim Neo reports. “When Papuc and Botnari (ex-Minister of the Interior and ex-commissioner general – e.n.) are found not guilty, when they bore direct responsibility for maintaining public order and directed what happened on April 7 and the night of April 8, and the arrests and maltreatment, it is outrageous,” said the Prime Minister. Vlad Filat stated that as Premier, he promised that light will be cast and will insist that things be clarified. “We are in the process of looking for the truth and punishing those to blame. I assume this reusability as party leader and politician who rules the country together with other colleagues. We bear responsibility for what’s going on in this country,” he said. On April 7, 2009, thousands of young people staged protests against the results of the April 5 elections in the Great National Assembly Square. The peaceful protests degenerated into violence and the Parliament and Presidential Buildings were destroyed. Several hundred young persons were arrested and tortured in police commissariats. The authorities have not yet officially announced whether those events had been planned or not.

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