A visa-free regime with the EU is one of the promises that the Government promised to fulfill by the end of its mandate and it should be conscientious in this respect. But the liberalization of the visa regime depends not only on the executive, but also on society, said Eugen Revenco, program director at the Feign Policy Association, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“The European integration process is not an elitist process and it is in the society’s interests to become involved to a greater extent so as to change the realities. The changes cannot be made only from the upper level to the lower level as they will be limited. Everyone should contribute to these changes. There are possibilities and everyone can and even is obliged to make use of these freedoms and rights offered to them for improving their lives. The people are able to inform about the experienced difficulties and to influence certain decisions,” Eugen Revenco said in a roundtable meeting.
He also said that the obtaining of the liberalized visa regime is stipulated in the governance program, which is the main document of the rulers and is to be fulfilled by the end of their tenure. At the same time, such a regime can be the result not only of an internal effort, but also of the decisions taken by the EU member states. According to the expert, Moldova made considerable progress compared with other countries and the pace is good and promising. However, the authorities lag behind in certain areas, especially in combating corruption.
Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, IDIS “Viitorul” expert Corneliu Ciurea said that the switch to the second stage, which consists in the implementation of the adopted laws, was a success of the Moldovan Foreign Ministry, even if this switch took some time. “It was a delay of half a year. It’s a long period, but we should admit that we surpassed the neighboring states and this should be welcomed,” he stated. According to him, the second stage will last longer than the first one. “We cannot expect it to be completed in 2013 or at the end of 2012, as some politicians anticipated. I think the forecasts that this process can end in several years, which were made by European representatives, are realistic,” said the expert.
The roundtable meeting of the working group on the liberalization of the visa regime was organized within the National Convention for European Integration Project.