Viorel Melnic understood that his activity is compatible with seat of MP, opinion

The former MP who on July 17 announced he decided to vacate the post understood that his activity is incompatible with the seat of MP, stated Socialist MP Bogdan Țîrdea, making reference to the fact that Melnic is mentioned in the Kroll report on the bank fraud. In the same connection, his colleague Vladimir Bolea said he hopes the prosecutors will start work, IPN reports.

Bogdan Țîrdea noted Viorel Melnic waited for a miracle as a result of which the parliamentary majority will disband and the Democrats will return to power. “Seeing these reports, he took the wisest step and vacated his seat. Form my viewpoint, his main task is to either flee the country or to remain silent so that the investigation bodies ignore him,” the MP stated in the talk show “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel.

As to the former MP’s assertion that he could not introduce his proposals, the Socialist MP said Viorel Melnic should show what proposals he submitted and were rejected or when he asked to give a speech from the Parliament’s rostrum and wasn’t allowed to do this. “Yes, I saw that he put harsh questions, but no one disconnected his microphone. He could speak calmly. That’s why I think Viorel Melnic understood the political situation, drew correct conclusions, attentively read the Second Kroll Report and that so-called report that is disseminated on the Internet and convinced himself that his activity is incompatible with the seat of MP,” stated Bogdan Țîrdea. 

Referring to the same case, ACUM MP Vladimir Bolea said he expects the prosecutors to start work. In parallel with the work done by the parliamentary commission, he would like to find out the results of the investigations conducted by prosecutors. “I want very much to see this inquiry carried out in parallel with the MPs’ investigation. The MPs make these examinations within the legislature’s remit. We are not investigators. We examine documents and will undoubtedly cooperate and want to help the prosecutors, but I want to see how they change,” he noted.

on July 17, the Parliament’s press service announced that independent Viorel Melnic gave up his MP seat. He also made a statement, saying the coalition existing in Moldova’s Parliament has a rather avenging behavior and resorts to political elimination, including of professionals, so as to show a state of emancipation followed by the promotion of reforms aimed at ensuring the integration into the EU.

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