Press Release
on the organization of the video interview “Collective memory, ground for hybrid war against the Republic of Moldova”. The interview held by the news agency IPN in its conference room with the support of the German Foundation “Hanns Seidel”
Conducted on March 20, 2025, the interview had as its interlocutor the doctor of history, Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu, head of the Contemporary History section of the Institute of History of the State University of Moldova.
Russia uses historical memory as an instrument of informational and hybrid warfare in the former Soviet republics, including the Republic of Moldova. According to the head of the Contemporary History Section of the Institute of History of the Moldova State University, authorities’ recent measures regarding the decommunization and decolonization of memorial spaces are essential for strengthening democratic values and for approaching a European culture of memory.
"The recent steps taken by the authorities to critically address the legacy of communist totalitarianism and to advance processes of decommunization and decolonization of memorial spaces are absolutely natural. especially in the context of a society that wants to consolidate democratic values and connect to a European culture of memory," said Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu.
The historian noted that these initiatives generated harsh reactions, especially on the part of external actors, who feel that their traditional narratives about the role of the Soviet Union are threatened.
"We cannot ignore the fact that behind these reactions there is the Russian Federation, which has been using historical memory for many years as an instrument of informational and hybrid warfare in the former Soviet republics," stated Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu.
According to him, these confrontations are part of a scenario of narrative pressure on the Republic of Moldova, and the dispute over public memory reflects geopolitical stakes that are essential for the democratic and European future of the country.
"For decades, history has been presented from a Soviet ideological perspective, which imposed a version of the past meant to legitimize imperial domination and erase other perspectives, in particular those related to the Romanian past. The confrontations we are witnessing now are part of a broader strategy of narrative pressure. The challenges in the sphere of public memory reflect, in fact, the deep stakes related to the geopolitical orientation of the Republic of Moldova and the consolidation of its democratic and European identity," noted the historian.
The decommunization and decolonization of memorial spaces are necessary steps for revising the symbolic legacy of the Soviet totalitarian regime, historian Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu stated.
According to the head of the Contemporary History Section of the Institute of History of the Moldova State University, the process of decommunization and decolonization involves changing the names of streets, removing monuments and other symbols that glorify figures and moments of the repressive Soviet regime.
"Decommunization and decolonization are essential for the recovery of historical truth and for the formation of an identity based on democratic values, not totalitarian myths. As long as the memorial spaces glorify figures and moments of a repressive regime, they contribute to maintaining a state of historical confusion and informational vulnerability," said Doctor of History Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu.
He noted that decommunization is the process of eliminating communist influences from society, institutions and collective memory, and decolonization is the liberation from the colonial legacy, whether external or internal.
"Mature democracies assume the past critically, without glorifying it. Decommunization and decolonization are necessary steps to heal our collective memory, to rehabilitate the victims of the totalitarian regime and to transmit to the new generations a culture of freedom, responsibility and justice," said Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu.
According to the historian, in the current geopolitical context, hybrid warfare is not only fought by military means, but also by cultural, symbolic and informational influence. The Russian Federation is accused of using historical memory, monuments and symbols of the past to maintain its influence on the Republic of Moldova.
"Resistance to hybrid warfare, in the context of the current geopolitical war, implies that memory is a front of hybrid confrontation. The Russian Federation uses symbols, monuments and historical narratives as instruments of influence. Through decolonization and decommunization, the Republic of Moldova builds its resilience, breaking away from the logic of the so-called "Russian worlds", concluded the historian.
Collective memory is a strategic tool in the Russian Federation’s arsenal of influence, and the Republic of Moldova, with its complex history and geopolitical position, is a prime target for the manipulation of the past for political purposes. This is the view of historian Virgiliu Birladeanu. According to the head of the Contemporary History Section at the Institute of History of Moldova State University, Russia uses collective memory as a means of influencing public opinion both domestically and internationally, in order to strengthen its political and geopolitical position. By promoting specific historical narratives, Russia manipulates the perception of past events.
"The Russian Federation’s interest in the practices and policies of memory in the Republic of Moldova stems from the fact that collective memory is a strategic tool in its arsenal of influence. Given Moldova’s complex history and geopolitical position, it represents a sensitive and favorable ground for the manipulation of the past for political purposes," stated historian Virgiliu Birladeanu.
Furthermore, Birladeanu argues that Russia does not treat history merely as an academic or cultural field but as a strategic means of influence. By promoting a particular version of the past - one that glorifies the USSR, justifies Russia’s actions in the region, and downplays the negative aspects of Soviet rule - the Kremlin seeks to maintain its influence in the former Soviet republics.
"For Russia, controlling historical narratives is not just a matter of cultural prestige or 'historical truth' but primarily a form of soft power that helps maintain influence in the former Soviet space and obstructs processes of identity emancipation and European integration. When Moldova attempts to critically reassess its past, reclaim its national memory, and align itself with democratic values, Moscow perceives this as a threat to the geopolitical project of the so-called 'Russian World,'" Birladeanu added.
The historian explained that Russia uses historical symbols and past events to influence and divide societies, particularly in former Soviet republics such as Moldova. In this context, Russia employs monuments, commemorations, and historical figures to construct a narrative that serves its political interests.
"Russia exploits the symbols of the past—monuments, anniversaries, historical figures—to create divisions in society, delegitimize the actions of authorities, and propagate the idea of an 'ungrateful' Moldova toward its 'Soviet liberators.' Any initiative for decommunization or decolonization is immediately labeled as 'historical revisionism' or 'revived fascism' in an effort to create moral panic and undermine social cohesion," concluded the historian.
The Russian Federation uses historical memory as a tool for propaganda and narrative control, claims historian Dr. Virgiliu Birladeanu. Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu explained how Moscow manipulates historical perceptions to shape public opinion and maintain subtle influence over the region.
As the head of the Contemporary History Section at the Institute of History of Moldova State University, Birladeanu argues that Russia employs various myths and narratives to construct a heroic self-image. He points out that history is manipulated to strengthen Russia's political position in the region, turning it into an instrument of influence.
"The Russian Federation implants narratives about 'Soviet heroes' and 'liberation from fascism' to maintain its symbolic, ideological, and political influence in the Republic of Moldova, treating historical memory not as a domain of reflection but as a tool for propaganda and narrative control," said historian Virgiliu Birladeanu.
Birladeanu emphasizes that by encouraging this hero cult, Russia seeks to divert discussions away from historical truth, ensuring that the crimes and suffering inflicted by the Soviet regime - such as deportations and organized famine - are forgotten. Instead of fostering critical analysis, an idealized vision that serves Moscow’s political interests is promoted.
"By insistently promoting the cult of 'Soviet heroes,' Russia seeks to preserve an idealized image of the Soviet past, portraying the USSR's intervention in Bessarabia as an entirely benevolent act of 'liberation.' This glorification distracts from the crimes of the Soviet regime and the consequences of occupation, such as deportations, organized famine, Russification, and cultural repression," the historian explained.
He further highlights that the myth of "liberation from fascism" is strategically used to mask the Soviet Union’s true intentions in Bessarabia and justify the forced occupation of these territories.
"The 'liberation from fascism' narrative is used to justify the Red Army's entry into Bessarabia in 1940 and 1944, framing it as a rescue mission rather than a forced occupation of the territory. Any attempt by the Republic of Moldova to critically reinterpret these events is labeled by Russian propaganda as 'revisionism' or 'glorification of fascism,' with Moldovan authorities accused of insulting the memory of heroes," concluded Virgiliu Birladeanu.
The video interview "Collective memory, ground for hybrid war against the Republic of Moldova " was part of the series "Impact of the past on confidence-building and peace-building processes". IPN News Agency implements the project with support from the German “Hanns Seidel” Foundation.
The Agency published 4 news stories on the debate (see the English version of on 20.03.25, „ Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu: Russia uses historical memory as an instrument of informational warfare”-; “Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu: Decommunization and decolonization are essential for historical truth and democratic identity” -; „Historian Virgiliu Birladeanu: Collective memory - a strategic tool in the hybrid war against the Republic of Moldova”-; „ Virgiliu Birladeanu: The Russian Federation uses historical memory as a tool for propaganda and narrative control”-
Valeriu Vasilică,
debate moderator
Denis Conop,
director of IPN