„We are at a crossroad of civilizations and we must make a synthesis of the performances of the European and Russian education systems”, declared, on Friday, May 12, the head of the Parliamentary commission for culture, youth, sport and media, Victor Stepaniuc, at a round table regarding the European integration process and the quality of education.
Victor Stepaniuc made this declaration in the context of implementing the European standards in the Education area of Moldova, due to the joining, in May 2005, the Bologna Process.
Stepaniuc considers that implementing European standards in the education fiels, standards that propose a more specific specialization and shorter period of studies could have a negative impact on the quality of the studies. So, declares Stepaniuc “ we must not accept all the proposed formulas and we must be more conservative so we can maintain the best traditions of the Russian school which is a classical and strong one, fact proved during the XIX and XX centuries by the Russian science and technics”. “We must not fear the Bologna Process, but we must implement it carefully, without hurrying”, added Stepaniuc.
The MP mentioned that “we will elaborate a new Education Law and will find out the way the European standards will be implemented”. He also said that “the great wish of the government is to break loose of the Russian Education metods” though he mentioned that “it is hard to keep the equilibrium: on one hand – joining to the European standards and on the other hand of maintaining the good traditions of the soviet school” added Stepaniuc, quoted by Info-Prim Neo.