Victor Chirila: Forming government will not be enough

Forming a new government won’t be enough. The future Government must also come with a convincing reform program, especially for the Moldovan citizens, and for the European partners too, considers the executive director of the Foreign Policy Association Victor Chirila. “The future Government must have the freedom to put into practice the agreed reforms, especially in the fields of corruption fighting and justice as things are actually very bad in these areas”, the expert said in an interview for Radio Free Europe, quoted by IPN.

According to him, the fact that the justice sector reform does not produce results disappoints the European partners that provided considerable assistance in this regard.

Victor Chirila considers the government must have a clear strategy for reforming the economy, the administrative system and the financial system of Moldova and for fighting corruption, but there is now no such a plan. “I think this fact will have an impact not only on the current political class and the future Government, but also on Moldova,” he stated.

The political class is preoccupied first of all with the personal interests and it seems that the current politicians reached the conclusion that the Association Agreement and the Agenda of Association with the EU affect their economic and political interests in Moldova, said Victor Chirila, who considers that the politicians are pretending to be doing reforms so as to preserve their image inside and outside the country.

“First of all, I must say that the pro-European parties abandoned the agenda of transformations agreed with the EU, aimed at meeting the EU standards in different areas. The government in Chisinau, instead of implementing the agreements signed with the EU, actually works against these accords. What support from Brussels or Germany can we speak about?” asked the expert.

Victor Chirila said that we are in a very bad situation and if society and the political class do not mobilize, Moldova will miss a historical chance to come closer to the EU and this chance is called the Association Agreement. Even if the country does not have the political perspective of joining the EU, this accord offers it the chance to meet the accession criteria that can improve the living conditions of every person and everyone should make particular sacrifices, especially the political class governing Moldova.

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