Venera Gasparean complains her son is held in jail basement without food

The head of the Armenian diaspora in Moldova Venera Gasparean complains that her son David Davitean, who was arrested two month ago in a criminal case that the family considers was started by order, was placed in the jail’s basement and hasn’t been given food for 20 days. In a news conference  at IPN, Venera Gasparean said the family’s lawyer is the only one who can get in touch with David Davitean, but with great difficulty.

The woman stated there are four prosecutors who formed an ‘alliance against the family’ and pass the case from each other, avoiding saying what the real situation in this case is. Though she submitted a complaint to the General Prosecutor’s Office, things didn’t change.

According to Venera Gasparean, without having any legal reason, the prosecutors restored an older case that involved David Davitean. Even if her son wasn’t found guilty then, the case was restarted with the aim of keeping him behind bars.

Venera Gasparean called on President Igor Dodon to take the situation under control. She said they are collecting proofs to file a complaint to the Hague Tribunal.

  • venera gasparean despre procurori.mp3
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