[- What does the Republic of Moldova means for you?]
- For me the Republic of Moldova is everything, because this is my motherland, my country, my land and the people among whom I was born, educated and given a start into life. This is where I live, where I work and I will make every effort for my country, the Republic of Moldova, to prosper and have a brighter future. The Republic of Moldova is the country that I love.
[- You was the longest-serving Prime Minister in the history of independent Moldova. What were the gains for the country from that, or maybe there were some losses?]
- I was appointed as Prime Minister when the Republic of Moldova was in a deep crisis; nevertheless the country preserved its stability, made progress and improved its image internationally. We got over those moments of profound financial and economic crisis during 2000-2002, and this has served as a demonstration that the Republic of Moldova is a country which can avoid failure and which can earn itself a future. Salaries and pensions have been raised, we have handled natural disasters and ensured the energy security of the country.
I believe we made all the effort for Moldova to prosper, at least what was in the Prime Minister’s powers at that time and to the extent to which the rules of the game, the political circumstances and the possibilities of the government allowed it. In those circumstances, I tried my best to offer the country stability, integrity, to overcome the states of crisis and to create better living conditions for the entire Moldovan society.
During my term in office as Prime Minister I tried to leave behind good, positive things, and I think the citizens should be the judges of my work.
Still, we haven’t managed to consolidate the entire society. Also, we have failed to attain a single economic, financial, banking, and customs space, which could have led to the territorial reintegration of the Republic of Moldova.
[- What would you change if you were offered another term as Prime Minister?]
- Today, if I had the chance to start anew, with all this experience, with these connections and with these views, I would launch more efficient projects in a number of fields and I would avoid a number of problems.
[- Many predict your comeback into the big politics, including as the head of state. Do you think this will be a good step? How would this benefit Moldova?]
- I can not stay indifferent about the future of the country I was born in. I think, whatever my decision, it will be for the good of he country.
[- In what period of time, thanks to what the Republic of Moldova could approach the level of a country that can afford a comfortable life to its citizens, and what kind of government is required for that?]
- This comfortable life doesn’t depend on a single person, but on the entire society, and this comfort can be attained in my opinion very soon if the society mobilizes itself and if it fights for this aspiration.
We’ll live a better life only if we stop talking about poverty or about incomes lower than the subsistence level. Also, in order to afford decent living conditions to its citizens, the Republic of Moldova needs a democracy in which the citizen will feel free and have confidence in the day of tomorrow. When the law based on democratic principles gets to throne, we’ll be able to accomplish all that we desire.