Vasile Bumacov: Demand for biomass is not satisfied and continues to rise

The demand for pellets in Moldova is not satisfied, while in the EU it increased owing to the crisis in Ukraine, which can cause an energy crisis, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov said in an event held to test the first biomass boiler assembled in Chisinau, IPN reports.

The minister informed that a pellet plant will be built in Porumbeni village by next spring. Several more such plants will be probably erected because more households in Moldova decide to install biomass boilers, which are at least two times cheaper than the natural gas boilers.

Also in Porumbeni, 100 ha of land will be planted with a crop created in Moldova. This plant has enormous vegetal mass and can satisfy the demand of the institutions heated with biomass and of households too.

There are over 60 pellet producers in Moldova now. Vasile Bumacov said there are problems related to the quality of pellets because there is no lab for testing them. Such a lab will be built at the plant in Porumbeni.

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