Valeriu Strelet: We must destroy current system and build a different one

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet, in his speech at the Congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) held in Madrid, said that as head of Government he will do his best for Moldova to continue on the path of European integration. He spoke about the difficulties through which Moldova goes now, referring especially to the latest political events and the quality of justice, IPN reports, quoting a communique of the Liberal Democratic Party.

“Nobody should be above the law, either the party leaders or the ordinary people. Regretfully, the latest developments in Moldova show that the essence of the Europe values was distorted. As we reacted determinedly when such situations happened in other countries of the Eastern Partnership, I reiterate today – justice cannot be used as an instrument of political execution,” stated the Premier.

Valeriu Strelet noted that both the party that fielded him for Prime Minister and the other parties that have ruled since 2009 must assume responsibility for the mistakes made in governance and for the situation in the country. “We are good at holding negotiations, but are not so good at taking action. We must destroy the current system and build a different one, which would maintain our country’s European course. As a Prime Minister, I will do my utmost for this objective to be achieved,” he stated from the Congress’s rostrum.

The Premier added that the parliamentary parties that declare themselves pro-European will have to prove that they really want to maintain the European vector of Moldova. “If early legislative elections are held, there is a risk that the integration model will be changed,” he said.

While in Madrid, Valeriu Strelet will have a meeting with the EPP President Joseph Daul. The Congress of the European People’s Party, which is held in Madrid on October 21-22, brings together more 750 delegations, including 14 heads of state and government from EU and non-EU countries and heads of European institutions.


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