The head of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group ValeriuStrelet was summoned as a witness in a criminal case started by prosecutors following a challenge filed by the Liberal Party chairman MihaiGhimpu. The challenge referred to the statements concerning phone tapping made by ValeriuStrelet in a TV program, Info-PrimNeo reports.
According to a communiqué from the Liberal-Democratic faction, the questioning will take place at the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) on March 19. MihaiGhimpuasked determining if his phone had been tapped and who can tap and whose telephones can be tapped.
In a TV program earlier, Valeriu Munteanu spoke about the need to dismiss all those who were involved in hiding the hunting incident in the Domneasca Forest one way or another. ValeriuStrelet said he agreed with this, but stated it was rumored that MihaiGhimpu knew about the December 23 hunting incident. According to him, the fact if the then head of “Moldsilva” Agency IonLupu phoned MihaiGhimpucan be easily established.
Afterward, ValeriuStrelet said that he didn’t refer to wiretapping, but to the list of received and made phone calls, which can be asked from the operator. He stressed that he didn’t know the content of the phone conversations.
The Liberal Party head MihaiGhimpu was questioned over this case last week