Valeriu Strelet: Protesters’ demands will not lead to changes in near future

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet said the demands put forward by the people protesting in the Great National Assembly Square are radical, except for those that refer to the resignation of the prosecutor general and the National Bank governor, and will not lead to changes in the near future. Such statements were made in the talk show “In Depth” on PRO TV Chisinau channel, IPN reports.

“The resignations one after another will not lead to changes. We didn’t see economic demands concerning the prices, tariffs and salaries. On September 6 and 13, there were adopted demands concerning the resignation of the entire senior administration and the staging of a general strike. We heard some constructive demands only today (September 14). We will question in Parliament the prosecutor general and the National Bank governor. There are reasons for holding a sincere hearing. The early elections are the worst scenario that can exist. They must be avoided. We have a Government that was voted in by a parliamentary coalition, the positive attitude of the European partners and a dialogue with the IMF,” stated the Premier.

Strelet asked that the protesters should free the Great National Assembly Square until the Wine Day. “Their authorization expires at the end of September. We are ready to initiate a dialogue on concrete demands and concrete areas and to work out a roadmap concerning the steps we must take together. We can co-opt representatives of protesters into different working groups so that they monitor these processes. But they should allow us to stage the Wine Day. This day is one of our main holidays. If the central square of Chisinau is not available, we should better not celebrate this holiday at all,” said the Prime Minister.

Valeriu Strelet pleaded for the election of the head of state by Parliament. “The election of a President with additional powers directly by the people can lead to an imbalance and authoritarianism tendencies. It is my personal opinion. The people actually do not care how the head of state is elected. They want swift improvements. Nicolae Timofti is a balanced head of state,” he stated.

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