Valeriu Strelet: PLDM will take part in formation of parliamentary coalition

The Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) will take part in the formation of a parliamentary coalition and is ready to field a candidate for Prime Minister and insists that this right belongs to it, the party’s acting chairman Valeriu Strelet said after a round of consultations held with the head of state, IPN reports.

“The PLDM, in virtue of the decisions taken by its executive bodies, is ready to take part in the formation of a parliamentary coalition and to suggest a candidate for premiership in the conditions announced earlier. Today we will contact the leaders of the other parties to invite them to discussions and hope a solution will be found in the shortest period of time as January 14 is the deadline by which the President can sign a decree to nominate a candidate,” stated Valeriu Strelet.

He also said that the PLDM believes it has the right to propose a new candidate, given that the previous Government was headed by a representative of the Lib-Dems. The party will announce the names of the candidates for Prime Minister only within a formalized coalition.

On January 5, President Nicolae Timifti holds consultations with the parliamentary groups with a view to designating a candidate for Prime Minister following the failure to invest the Sturza Government.

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