Valeriu Strelet: Justice is rotten and politically dependent

Justice in Moldova is rotten and corrupt and the law does not rule in the country, Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet said in the program “Fourth power” on N4 TV channel, IPN reports.

“The judicial system is not controlled by the political class, but rather by its representatives. It is a system that must be reformed. Moldovan justice is highly dependent on the political power. Over the last few years, there were replaced one third of the judges, but things in the system haven’t improved, even if the president of the Supreme Court of Justice Mihai Poalelungi asserts that things go right because the number of cases lost at the ECHR decreased,” stated the Premier.

The head of the Cabinet said that a package of laws was worked out to improve the situation in justice.
“These laws set a 12-month time limit for examining cases in courts and provide for the creation of anti-corruption courts where the judges will be selected thoroughly. The courts of law will be reorganized. I hope that together with society we will bring things in order in the judicial system,” stated the Premier.

Asked why the protesters last Sunday chose to besiege the building housing the firms of Vlad Plahotniuc, but avoided to protest at the head offices of companies owned by Vlad Filat, Valeriu Strelet said those from the Platform “Dignity and Truth” probably think that namely these firms are involved in the commission of serious crimes.

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