Valentina Mosneaga-Mitrofan presents book for children

Dozens of primary school children attended Monday the launch of the book “With Children's Eyes” by Valentina Mosneaga-Mitrofan, hosted by the National Children's Library “Ion Creanga”. On the basis of stories from the book, students of “Gheorghe Asachi” and “Prometeu” high schools staged scenes showing what is good and what is evil, Info-Prim Neo reports. “With Children's Eyes” is the first book for children written by Valentina Mosneaga-Mitrofan. The author is native of Moldova, but has worked in Romania for several years. “The children have different views. They always put funny and interesting questions. That's why I decided to launch a book titled “With Children's Eyes”,” said the author, adding that the chidlren's world is warmer, greater and more peaceful. Writer Claudia Partole, who moderated the literary salon “La Creanga”, said Valentina Mosneaga-Mitrofan in her book wanted to show the love for the close people and nature, creating a miraculous and beautiful world. “When you read the book, you feel that a child is still living in your soul.” The writer also said that the library hosts launches of children's books every month and this already became a tradition. The book was issued at Pontos publishing house in Chisinau in 500 copies.

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