Politician Valentin Krilov is accusing politician Igor Dodon of being an instrument in some scenarios that might end in bloodshed in Moldova and in the region. These fears were discussed by Mr Krilov in an interview with IPN's Valeriu Vasilica.
- Mr Krilov, I understood from our preliminary conversation what would be the topic of our discussion. But why exactly did you decide to turn to IPN to do this interview and why now, just days before the election?
- I chose IPN because I have long, and greatly, appreciated your correctness in discussing the problems in our society, and me and my colleagues decided that this would be precisely the platform we needed to talk about what we think is really important now, during this election campaign, which can determine the fate and the existence of our country. In this context, Igor Dodon represents a tremendous and very real threat.
- Before we go any further discussing these assertions of yours, I'd like to make sure you understand that it's precisely in this spirit of correctitude that we will satisfy a potential right to reply, if requested, and that we might see a conflict of interest in your case.
- I am aware of the right-of-reply rules existing in journalism. As for the conflict of interest, we do have a conflict with Igor Dodon, who usurped our party, the Socialists Party, which we founded many years ago and we have sued him for this. However, I think it's rather about the threat represented by Igor Dodon to the vital interests of the country and society. This is why it's crucial to inform people during this election campaign, as clearly and as extensively as possible.
- What is your main accusation against the president of the Socialists Party?
- We are accusing him of placing the “Socialists Party” – “of the Republic of Moldova”, that is – not in a partnership relation, but rather at the service of a foreign country, making it a political instrument that encroaches on the stability, peace and the existence of the Republic of Moldova. And he is doing it for enormous amounts of money, which gives rise to reasonable suspicions. This makes him a real and huge menace for Moldova.
- Let's get things straight: when you say “a foreign country”, do you mean Russia? Should we be concerned about the billboards depicting Vladimir Putin in support of Igor Dodon?
- It's not only this and not only because such billboards fall afoul of any country's laws, because this is an indirect interference in Moldova's internal affairs; nor is this a decent thing to do, for that matter. Let me be crystal-clear: I am a Russian ethnically, but my motherland is the Republic of Moldova. This is why I hate seeing my country being entangled in such perilous games like those played by the ethnically Moldovan Igor Dodon.
- Where do you see the peril exactly?
- When great powers clash and the threat of a large-scale war is in the air, they try to draw that threat away from their own borders or plan to use alien territories in the case of a military conflict in order to protect their own populations and buy time. The Moldovans learned this the hard way on many occasions during the 20th century. We believe that Igor Dodon will have a leading part to play in a number of possible scenarios related to the ongoing campaign, to the outcome of the election and to the regional conjuncture, I'm talking in particular about the armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine. Perhaps it's the regional context that should be examined in the first place. By one scenario, in the event of a direct Russia-NATO confrontation, or in an attempt to prevent it, Russia could consider hitting Ukraine in the back and use Moldova as a foothold, instead of using just the Transnistrian region, which is currently inadequate for this because it has limited troops and is encircled by Chisinau and Kiev as in a pincer movement. For a military operation of such proportions, Russia may need the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova in order to use it for advancement and as a logistic area, with or without the consent of the Moldovan authorities.
- So this is why Dodon is needed in government? But will he be effectively in power, even if he makes it into the parliament?
- True, Dodon's odds of entering the Moldovan Parliament as well as of coming to power are quite low. I think that Vladimir Putin, who considers himself a world leader, is aware of this and he realizes that it will be his reputation, both in Moldova and domestically, and even in the eyes of other leaders, if the person who got his support doesn't make it or earns just a few seats in the parliament. I assume there are roles reserved for Dodon other than governing the country. At the stage of the campaign, of the election proper and right after the election, the intention is to destabilize the situation using the groups controlled by Dodon in Chisinau, in Balti, in the south and elsewhere. They will probably be joined by agents recruited from among the Moldovan Gastarbeiters, who basically have been forced to come back home to support Dodon, as well as agents deployed by foreign intelligence services. Similarly, it is planned to bring in Transnistrian residents in the tens of thousands to vote for Dodon. This means that the seeds of the 'Chisinau Maidan' have been sown, with all its consequences that we saw in neighboring Ukraine. I condole with the Ukrainians in their loss. It hurts to see a Ukraine at war, also affecting Russian settlements near the border. But what concerns me the most is the fate of my country and of its people, including fellow-ethnic Russians. In this respect, the things that Mr Dodon could potentially do immediately after the November 30 election to destabilize the situation in the country may lead to a bloodshed in Moldova.
- And if this scenario doesn't play out?
- There is a Plan B in this case, again featuring Dodon as the main tool. Either from within the parliament or outside of it, Dodon will continue to destabilize the situation, with the help mostly of the forces employed in the first scenario. If he makes it into the parliament after all, he will be the destabilizing element that will thwart the formation of a parliamentary majority, the appointment of a cabinet and the return to a normal life. In particular, he will attempt to remove not so much the current coalition but rather the Liberal-Democratic Party from the government and from the political processes overall, with all the financial and economic implications (it wasn't accidentally that he played an active role in removing Vlad Filat as prime minister and disbanding his Cabinet). If he again fails, Dodon will try to use the occasion of the presidential election, scheduled for 2016, to achieve his goals, if we can call them his.
Meanwhile, Moldova will face great threats, because Dodon as a politician has proved to everyone that he is in reality a political destroyer, that he is incapable of being a balanced statesman who would be guided by national interests and realities. There are a number of remarks that must be made here.
First. The Moldovans are today divided roughly in half: one half are supporters of the Eurasian vector and the other one supporters of the European vector;
Second. I and my fellow PSRM founders consider ourselves statists and we have always been in favor of the first option. At the same time, we have no right, if we proclaim to be reasonable and responsible people, to ignore the position of our opponents, who are practically as numerous as the group that shares our position. Moreover, we have been against a mechanical and hasty signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, without coordinating this in advance with Russia. But we also understand very clearly that a mechanical and hasty revocation of the Association Agreement after the parliamentary election will be an unreasonable thing to do as well. Instead, it will lead to a socioeconomic calamity and destabilization.
Third. When joining the PSRM, Dodon publicly declared on 22 December 2011 that it would be an utopian idea for now to seek membership in the Customs Union, given Ukraine's stance on this association. In 2012-2013, Dodon and his team of youths specialized in doing one thing – chant as hard as they could “We want you out!”. But our country has needed something else: growth, peace and stability and cooperation, instead of destruction and total negation. So, the destructive element in Dodon's political activity is obviously prevailing, and it's dangerous.
Four. Lately, Dodon has become a fervent advocate of the pro-Eurasian cause, demanding the revocation of the Association Agreement with the EU after the November 30 election, without specifying the financial sources that will be needed to compensate for the huge losses Moldova will face. Dodon is completely silent about this! It's obvious that Russia, while dealing with its own issues and paying the bills related to Crimea and eastern Ukraine, cannot afford to fully support the Moldovan economy as well. I'm not sure if Russia can afford to support politicians like Dodon on a permanent basis.
Five. Considering Dodon's professional skills and the ideas that he expressed during his campaign, if he earns a spot in government, Moldova's mutually advantageous relationships with neighboring Ukraine and Romania as well as with the EU, which today are vital for our country, cannot be either planned or realized. Dodon doesn't offer solutions acceptable for Moldova in the event of the Association Agreement's revocation, because he simply doesn't have any. He displays sheer populism and seems not to understand that dilettantism in politics is unacceptable.
His team is unable to provide clear and reasoned answers to the following questions: what will happen to the free movement of people? What job opportunities will the Moldovans preserve other than in Russia? What opportunities for economic growth and new jobs will our country have without the European projects, credits and grants? Who and how soon will compensate us for our losses if we become isolated from our current partners?
- What substantiates your assessments and conclusions on issues so serious and sensitive?
- I've been an active political actor over the past twenty-five years. All my answers are based on my experience accumulated in this period. Additionally, in all times, in every country, there have been honest and morally upright people. We cooperate, within the boundaries of the law, with experts from various countries. Being statists, our team members have worked, to the extent possible, to advance social equity in the country and promote Moldova's national interests.
- If these assumptions are true, why do you think Vladimir Putin chose Igor Dodon, who according the the latest polls has lower chances of being in government, instead of picking another 'partner' in Moldova to pursue his local, regional and global agenda?
- It may be that Vladimir Putin has someone else besides Dodon, but equally insignificant in terms of political weight and probity. Putin is backing Dodon openly because the latter accepts his role as a tool. Another explanation is that today in Moldova there are no other political forces and politicians who would accept to betray their country and help destabilize it and trigger a war in their own home. And perhaps there is no one else who would measure everything through glasses of money and violate all the laws for money like Igor Dodon.
- What laws are you talking about?
- I already mentioned the role of an instrument for the interference of a foreign country. Another example would be that Dodon severely violates the letter and spirit of the law, in particular, on party and campaign funding; he is doing it openly, blatantly, as if to test the patience of the state and society. For reasons unclear, the authorities are tolerating this behavior. For example, no one has so far reacted adequately to the financial affairs of Dodon's party both before and during the campaign. Oddly enough, not a single agency, be it the Integrity Commission, or the Tax Inspectorate, the Central Election Commission, not even the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, has checked the documents submitted by Dodon's party and has found any serious financial violation. But violations can be seen even without any thorough inspection. For example, it can be seen from the first financial report submitted by Dodon to the CEC that 23 people (including 12 parliamentary candidates) contributed a total of 1.8 million lei in membership fees during the election campaign alone. Can anyone explain how someone with an official monthly income of 2,500 lei can contribute 35-75,000 lei and more? When compared to other running parties, Dodon apparently isn't afraid of anything and anyone, but why? Maybe it's because Dodon started his campaign back in mid-December of the last year? He spent huge amounts of money, and their origin remains unproven to this day. Is this stolen money? Or is this a manifestation of the same interference by a foreign state, despite foreign funding being illegal for political parties?
- I'd like to go back to the earlier question about your conflict with Igor Dodon. How is the lawsuit progressing?
- We the founders of the Socialists Party, who Igor Dodon claims to have lawfully expelled, have initiated a number of lawsuits against him. We won one of them recently, on November 15. The court ordered Igor Dodon to pay over 40,000 lei for unlawfully ousting a party member from Gagauzia. Other lawsuits haven't seen any progress for 11-16 months now and we wonder why. Maybe it's because a number of party documents challenged in court are no longer valid, while some of them have been fabricated, and as a result wouldn't it be fair if Dodon's party were removed from the race and some particular employees of the Ministry of Justice were punished?
The same questions are true for the lawsuit brought by a group of reputed Moldovan chess players after Dodon used a similar takeover scheme to usurp the Moldovan Chess Federation.
Today we don't have a clear answer, but we believe that sooner or later justice will triumph. One thing is clear – without an adequate response from the competent authorities to the problem of political party funding, without effectively prohibiting financing from outside of the country, we don't have a chance to see any progress in the truly democratic sense.
This is one more, yet another, proof that in the November 30 election the Moldovan voters must eliminate this threat from the path of our country, disallow being lied to and be used later in some destructive scenarios that might end in bloodshed.
- How you you like to be presented and who do you represent?
- I represent some of the founders of the Socialists Party of Moldova and of the Coordinating Board of the PATRIA-RODINA Socialist Platform. Additionally, I hopefully also represent all the people with common sense who cannot allow puppet politicians come to power to cause destabilization and bloodshed.
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- Reforming of Moldovan-Russian relations after presidential elections: problems, solutions, priorities. IPN debate
- Parliamentary elections in Romania: what Moldovans with Romanian nationality know about them and what they vote? IPN debate
- Why information resilience is needed and how it can be ensured. IPN debate
- “And in the Morning They Woke Up”. Aspects of state of society after presidential elections. IPN debate
- Strong and weak points of two finalists. IPN debate
- Election campaign in first and second rounds: affinities, differences, effects. IPN debate
- Split society and parallel worlds in elections in Moldova: causes and effects. IPN debate
- To Whom and to What voters of candidates who didn’t reach runoff migrate? IPN debate
- First round of presidential elections 2020: lessons learned and lessons to be learned. IPN debate
- About old and new faults of electoral process 2020 and of the press. IPN debate
- Ruth Huber: The new Swiss International Cooperation strategy confirms that Moldova remains a priority country. IPN interview
- Particularities of voting in Moldova’s regions. IPN debate
- We and President: who elects who, who represents who? IPN electoral debate
- Elections in times of pandemic: necessity, risks, scenarios, solutions. IPN debate
- Is isolation measure imposed on persons older than 63 discriminatory or not?
- Presidential elections in diaspora and geopolitics. IPN debate
- Who and what guarantee free and fair elections? IPN debate
- Stakes of presidential elections in view of political class and society. IPN debate
- Gas pipeline between politics, economy and chance to live better, IPN debate
- Presidency, President and presidential elections: processes, tendencies and effects. IPN debates
- Efficiency of Moldova's COVID-19 crisis management discussed at ADEPT debate
- Situation in Belarus: mutual influences with world. IPN debate
- Two years of expulsion of Turkish teachers: lessons learned and lessons to be learned. IPN debate
- “Who is not afraid of COVID-19 and why?”. IPN debate
- Resistance to shock in Eastern Partnership – EU approach vs. NATO variant. IPN debate
- About quality of relationship with EU through angle of six, old and new conditions. IPN debate
- “COVID-19: Memories of the Future or what History teaches us?”. IPN debate
- How much and how Parliament worked for the people during spring-summer session? IPN debate
- Amendments to Election Code: advantages and risks to democracy. IPN debate
- Investigation of bank fraud: actions, perceptions, reasonable timeframes. IPN debate
- “Government”- Opposition, scoreline 1:1. Overtime or penalty shootout? IPN analysis
- Germany’s Presidency of Council of EU: impact on Europe, impact on Moldova. IPN debate
- Movement and place of Moldovans in Europe during and after pandemic: opportunities and risks. IPN debate
- “Political” criminal cases: protagonists, methods, goals, consequences. IPN debate
- Why doesn’t COVID-19 recede? Who should do and what should be done? IPN debate
- Voting of EU conditions: parliamentary majority’s twist? IPN debate
- Moldovan society amid pandemic: learned lessons, lessons to be learned. IPN debate
- Why was bank theft brought back into focus? IPN debate
- Mihai Murguleț: Reformation of justice sector depends on political will. IPN interview
- Government’s performance during six months since appointment and during two months of state of emergency: pros and cons. IPN debate
- Snap parliamentary elections and/or replacement of Government: probability, risks, benefits. IPN debate
- Political colors of international assistance in times of pandemic. IPN debate
- “Why wasn’t Constitutional Court heard in problem of presidential elections? IPN debate
- Constitutional Court swaying in political wind: norm or deviation? IPN debate
- Supporting business community: between economy and politics. IPN debate
- Desiree Jongsma: We are looking at the wider implications of COVID-19 for children and women. IPN interview
- Pandemic and Politics, barriers and chances of consensus. IPN debate
- Assumption of responsibility by Government: controversies, effects, solutions. IPN debate
- Mihail Cotorobai: “Coronavirus cannot annul human rights”. IPN interview
- Peter Michalko: “Together” is key word in new EU policies”. IPN interview
- Premier Chicu’s nerves on the edge?
- PSRM-PDM government coalition: necessities, possibilities, motives, impact. IPN debate
- Rescuing fissure of PDM. IPN analysis
- Chirtoacă, Cobzac and Postolachi about their stake vs. stake of voters in Hâncești. IPN debate
- Candidates of PDM, PAS and Shor Party about their stake and stake of voters in Hâncești. IPN debate
- Political or apolitical, party or common candidate for upcoming elections, why? IPN debate
- Military and geopolitical tensions in Middle East: impact on Moldova. IPN debate
- Ion Chicu: Our society is disappointed in institutions and future of this state
- Pavel Filip: Moldova follows yet an ascending path
- Maia Sandu: A better life means freedom and regime that respects human rights
- Andrei Năstase: PPPDA insisted on unity of pro-European forces
- Daniel Ioniță: Wherever there are Romanians living, there is also a small Romania ... IPN interview
- Balanced foreign policy: capacities, advantages, risks. IPN debate
- Ion Manole: Political dialogue is very important and we will continue to encourage it, but we will insist that this dialogue definitely include real guarantees for the observance of human rights in Transnistria
- Valeria Biagiotti: There are certain things that make the Moldovan-Italian relations more special... IPN interview
- Technocratic and minority government as a solution: advantages and risks. IPN debates
- Initiative or Motion? Their reasons and effects. IPN analysis
- PSRM-ACUM: Sentenced to collaboration and destruction... IPN analysis
- Candidates Valeri Klimenco, Valeriu Munteanu, Vladimir Cebotari, Vitalie Marinuța, Andrei Năstase and Vladimir Țurcanu at IPN debates
- Candidates Dumitru Țîra, Ivan Diacov, Alexandru Fetescu, Victor Chironda, at IPN debates
- Candidates Serghei Toma, Vitalie Voznoi, Octavian Țîcu and Lilia Ranogaeț, at IPN debates
- Angela Ganninger: And it's not true that things have been better before ... IPN interview
- Characteristic features of the elections of October 20, 2019. IPN debates
- Relations between governance components: practice, expectations, challenges. IPN debates
- Nicu Popescu: We have a „deal” with the development partners, that’s shifted in time. IPN Interview
- Nicu Popescu: My ambition is that the Republic of Moldova will turn from recipient of assistance into donor
- Congratulations to the "holding". Questions for Maia Sandu. IPN analysis"
- Summing up the results of the new Parliament first session: the good and the bad. IPN debates
- What did the MPs say and what did they mean to say during the last session? IPN analysis
- Why did Plahotniuc leave? Will he come back? IPN analysis
- Who is Ilan Shor afraid of? IPN analysis
- “Resetting of relations with EU: motives, chances, guarantees”. IPN debate
- Freeing Moldova from ‘Oligarchy’ and ‘State Capture’: Limits of Legality, IPN Debates
- Peaceful transfer of power: reasons, conditions and consequences – foreign factor. IPN debate
- Peaceful transfer of power: reasons, conditions and consequences – the domestic factor. IPN Debate
- Bartlomiej Zdaniuk: What connects us is the wish to be free. IPN interview
- Bartłomiej Zdaniuk: European integration doesn’t mean things will happen by themselves
- European Parliament elections, implications for Moldova. IPN Debate
- Passion, forgiveness and reconciliation in Moldovan politics. IPN Debate
- Government coalition: deficient communication, smokescreens and opaqueness. IPN analysis
- Snap elections would be avoided even if this is one of solutions suggested by voters. IPN analysis
- Elections 2019: Post-electoral scenarios in experts’ view. IPN debate
- Controversial discussions on justice and corruption between candidates running in U.S.–Canada constituency. IPN debate
- “Please elect me MP on behalf of Western Diaspora because...”. IPN debate
- Political class in Moldova remembers diaspora only in electoral period. IPN debate
- PVE an PL about stake of parliamentary elections. IPN debate
- Justice, energy and corruption are among priorities of “People’s Will”, “Democracy at Home” and “Speranța-Nadejda”
- Shor Party, Antimafie, PPPN and PNL argue why their candidates deserve to be voted, IPN debate
- ACUM, PCRM and PSRM argue why their candidates should be voted. PDM is absent from IPN debate
- Political culture of Moldovan society: current state and tendencies. IPN debate
- Year 2018: accomplishments, failures and challenges in Moldova’s European integration. IPN debate
- Kalman Mizsei: Line of demarcation between power and opposition goes through approach to quality of democracy
- Place of Parliament of 20th legislature in history of Moldovan parliamentarianism. IPN debate
- Stake of free and fair elections. Who ensures them, who respects them? IPN debate
- Impact of EP’s Resolution on Moldovan political class and society. IPN debate
- Zdeněk Krejčí : People from small countries cannot afford the luxury of quarreling between them over basic issues. IPN interview
- Better stage of Moldovan-Russian relations: myth, reality or déjà vu? IPN analysis
- Vadim Bachinski: “We are a nation hunted by so many controversies, chimeras and errors...”. IPN interview
- European integration in Constitution and in life, IPN debate
- Suspension of President: legality, institutional blockage, political confrontation. IPN debate
- Repositioning of PDM, correct, forced and insincere. IPN analysis
- European integration and consensus in Constitution, IPN analysis
- Daniel Ioniță: Backing of Moldova is an objective shared by whole Romanian society. IPN interview
- Independence: steps forward and steps backward, in view of parties that held and hold administrative posts in the state, IPN debate
- Moldova the Unapproachable, Editorial
- Reform not supported, revolution delayed. IPN analysis
- Solutions to crisis situation generated by invalidation of Chisinau mayoral elections, IPN debate
- Forester came and dispersed everyone or Why didn’t it go well? IPN analysis
- Opposition bites the lure. Who put it? Who will be caught? IPN reports
- Consequences of UN vote on withdrawal of foreign army from Moldova’s territory, IPN debate
- Valeria Biagiotti: Moldovans are integrated well and are appreciated by Italian population. IPN interview
- Andrian Candu, symptomatic recidivism? IPN analysis
- Bartlomiej Zdaniuk: My dream is to build a strong connection between people here and those in Poland. IPN interview
- “I ask you to elect me mayor because...” IPN debate, round II
- “I ask you to elect me mayor because...” IPN debate
- Professional army: motives, benefit, risks, IPN debate
- “Producer” was absent from Union demonstration, but its “product” was present there. Subjective notes
- Government recurs, while opposition is late. IPN analysis
- “Mucking out of stables” and of hopes in Chisinau. IPN analysis
- Administrative and political interference in capital city, IPN debate
- Peter Michalko: New elements in EU-Moldova relationship appeared in 2017. IPN interview
- Anti-propaganda law: necessity, advantages and risks, IPN debate
- Parliamentary elections of 2018, dragon with three heads condemned to swallow each other. IPN analysis
- Chances of fulfilling 28 conditions for obtaining €100m from EU, IPN debate
- Starting position of parties on official pro-European platform before an electoral year, IPN debate
- There is no interest in clarifying starting positions of parties on pro-Eurasian platform before an electoral year, IPN debate
- Starting positions of unionist parties before an electoral year, IPN debate
- Position of parties and candidates on pro-European platform before electoral year, IPN debate
- A Century of Russian Revolution: consequences and expectations, IPN debate
- What do drivers, politicians and button for weapons of mass destruction have in common? IPN Analysis
- Anti-Chirtoaca referendum: to take part or to boycott it, where and why should we put a tick?, IPN debate
- Quality of political class: importance, current state and ways of improvement, IPN debate
- Why did Plahotiuc go to Erdogan? IPN analysis
- Eastern model and Western model for Moldova: differences, advantages, disadvantages. Chances of “Third Way”, IPN debate
- Request to withdraw Russian troops: legality, advantages, risks and dangers, IPN debate
- Relations with development partners following adoption of mixed electoral system, IPN debates
- Mixed system: Angle or Demon that descended on Moldova? IPN analysis
- Consensus is necessary, but cannot be easily achieved, IPN debate
- Plans B of electoral system change. IPN analysis
- Merab Antadze: European development path is the most correct one for Moldova and Georgia, IPN interview
- “Geopolitical genes” of Moldovans: between myth and reality, IPN debate
- Shortage of communication and of consensus on “mixed-uninominal” voting system. IPN analysis
- May 9 as a holiday that unites and divides, IPN debate
- What do Moldovans want and what power can offer them? IPN analysis, episode 2
- What do Moldovans want and what can power offer them? IPN analysis
- Acts of vandalism: equation with unknowns on both sides. IPN analysis.Repeat of April 15, 2009
- Initiator is key problem of initiative on uninominal system. IPN analysis
- Predictable and inevitable deterioration in Moldovan-Russian relations? IPN analysis
- Political sense and human sense of reconciliation. IPN analysis
- Frozen Nistru conflict and chances of unfreezing it, IPN debate
- Priorities of parliamentary agenda are divided, IPN public debate
- Observance of Constitution ensures lack of blockages in relations between powers, IPN debate
- IPN debate: How was political year 2016
- Election campaign was dirty and with medieval techniques, IPN debate
- Grigore Novac: Igor Dodon will be the guarantor of Constitution
- Valeriu Giletski: Moldova needs peace
- Silvia Radu: Country has chance to elect President for one and all
- Dumitru Chubashenko: Moldova should restore relations with Russia, but keep those with EU
- Maia Sandu says what she will do first if she is elected Head of State
- Andrei Nastase: If Marian Lupu reaches runoff vote, it will mean elections had been rigged
- Voters in Moldova are frustrated, distrustful and disillusioned, IPN debate
- Specific features of presidential elections formulated by independent candidates, IPN debate
- Specific features of presidential elections: vision of extraparliamentary parties, IPN debate
- Specific traits of presidential elections formulated by representatives of parliamentary parties
- Unionists, statehood supporters and ‘nostalgic people’: confrontation of ideas. IPN debate
- Some of IMF money could be used to cover budget deficit, IPN debates
- Parties of center-right want a common candidate for presidential elections, but with variations, debate
- IPN debate about Europeanism of Moldovan government and society
- Marius Lazurca: Romania’s assistance depends on the order in key areas of Moldova
- Bill on information security should be amended before it is passed, IPN debate
- Why was a necessary public debate impossible? IPN analysis
- Alexandru Tănase: There are essential differences between judgments of the Constitutional Court of Moldova and political attitudes
- Motive of illegal cutting of trees in Moldova is economic in character, IPN debate
- Opinions of Chisinau councilors about searches performed by anticorruption officers at City Hall
- Government hesitates to accept invitation to dialogue to discuss demands formulated by Civic Forum, IPN debate
- “WE DO!” IPN Interview with Bureau for Diaspora Relations’ head Valeriu Turea
- Plenipotentiary or minority government, early elections, union with Romania are possible solutions to crisis, IPN debate
- Early elections are a solution to crisis in Moldova, debate
- Current anticorruption system needs to be veritably and complexly re-formed, debate
- Crises in Moldova affect European integration, IPN debate
- IPN debate: How appropriate behavior of Moldovan political class is in current situation?
- IPN debate: Views about negotiations on formation of government coalition
- Chances of forming AEI 4, IPN debate
- Conclusions following Vlad Filat’s arrest at IPN debate
- Government and protesters can and should communicate, IPN debate
- Independence 2015: The Year of Decline, the first and the last
- Independence 2015: The Year of Decline, the first and the last
- Secretaries general of … the Republic of Moldova or Programmed dualism
- Last pro-European alliance of Moldova
- IPN debate: Why do politicians need time to form ruling coalition?
- Pro-European coalition between national interests and party interests
- Marian Lupu: PDM became an associate of Party of European Socialists. We will use new status in country’s interests
- National symbols of local elections
- Protest movements are an absolutely normal phenomenon for all democracies, IPN debate
- Why do European leaders come to Moldova?
- Kroll report: fatal delay
- Debate: Ribbon of Saint George is a politicized symbol, but it cannot be banned
- Information security: between political awkwardness and special interest
- Two in one, with European impact
- Edgars Rinkevics: Association is not last stage in relations between EU and Moldova, IPN interview
- Transnistrian file: Third déjà vu in better circumstances than earlier
- News agencies of Moldova: between continuous adjustment and disappearance
- Current government lost voters’ confidence, IPN debate
- Check for pro-European government: reasons, dangers, solutions
- Iurie Leanca – symbol and Prime Minister?
- Talks in private show politicians' lack of respect, civil society members
- Signs that this election can be either crucial or catastrophic - III
- Signs that this election can be either crucial or catastrophic - II
- Signs that this election can be either crucial or catastrophic - I
- Civic society and state institutions are late in developing legal framework, IPN debate
- Interview IPN x 2: Latvia wants to help Moldova open the European gates
- European Union is Moldova’s natural option, IPN debate
- Disagreements inside and between parties are normal, but only within limits, IPN debate
- CEC aims to establish more polling places abroad
- Why electoral behavior of coalition counts for Moldova’s European destiny?
- Linas Linkeavicius: “We all know that freedom has its price…”
- Marian Lupu: Citizens want changes in politics and we give them power to decide
- Moldova didn’t constitute itself, but didn’t fail either. What chances does it have? IPN analysis
- Press, Internet and Moldovan politics in off-shore? IPN Analysis
- Russian World versus the Rest of the World. Moldova’s place? IPN analysis
- Moldova is no longer ‘home alone’, IPN analysis
- EU, ECU and a lottery ticket, IPN analysis
- Vlad Filat: In 2020 Moldova will be in European Union
- 5+2 format of negotiations should be revised, opinions
- Romania can be a model for Moldova in European integration process, IPN debate
- Valentina Buliga: We will push PCRM towards the left, where an extremist party belongs
- Notion of fascism in Moldova is used inappropriately, IPN debate
- What Filat took to Washington and what he brought back? IPN analysis
- Moldova is the country that creates The Bats!
- Use of masks and balaclavas in protests must be urgently banned by law, IPN analysis
- Rogozin or Buffoonery as a style in geopolitics, IPN analysis
- War-related damage caused by regional crisis to Moldova
- There are four million arguments why free movement in Europe is of historical importance, IPN interview with Vadim Pistrinciuc, deputy chairman of PLDM
- Price of Moldova’s European integration is over US$60m or maybe less
- Moldovans are ready to fully benefit from visa-free regime with EU, debate
- Crimea crisis and abolition of visa requirements as a stimulatory factor for national idea of Moldovans
- Parliamentary parties set priorities before elections
- Several extraparliamentary parties can enter Parliament if they achieve their priorities, debates
- Cohesion and contradictions inside ruling alliance
- Dialog between Chisinau and Comrat is overdue, but is still possible, debate
- Goals and political investments of electoral year 2014
- Moldova after Vilnius: There is yet a lot of work to be done, while government must be vigilant
- Moldova starts to slow down oscillations
- Latvian Ambassador: EU is open to cooperation with Russia, but not at EaP's expense
- Ex-President Arnold Ruutel: Current accomplishments of Estonia became possible only within EU
- During a year, parties will try to show that they are competitive, debates
- Why Pro-Moldova demonstration stirs things up?
- Vilnius Summit is a new stage for Moldova, public debates
- The Vilnius Stake: power in Moldova and free movement in Europe IPN CAMPAIGN
- Russia’s actions are a test for Moldova, which should react calmly, debates
- Romanian language that unites and separates
- Moldovan-Chinese cooperation relations entered new stage, Andrian Candu
- Baccalaureate exams, politics and trolleybus tickets
- Excessive aversion of Moldovan politicians led to political crisis, statement
- Moldova is doomed to have coalition government, debates
- Public area appropriated and co-existence laws violated. One case in a million, but one as a million
- Moldova is closer than ever to achieving goal set for Vilnius, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius
- Position on Transnistrian conflict: without right to mistake
- Now Moldova can obtain anything from EU, if it wants and is able to
- Government will be voted in because parties are not ready for early elections, debate
- Society must know truth about formation of new Government, debates
- Victor Chirila: Moldova is close to becoming politically and institutionally failed state
- New candidate for premiership will be old one – Vlad Filat
- Corneliu Gurin: Prosecution service can and should be reformed in people’s and society’s interests
- Society is politicized, while musical parodies deliver political messages in a different form
- Alexandru Oleinic: Moldova hasn’t yet had an anticommunist head of Government
- Denouement of political crisis is near? or Fish tail as national symbol
- Civil society is young and politicians do not listen to it, debate
- Mafiotic misunderstandings and political irresponsibility are the causes of political crisis, debates
- IPN News Agency has two new homes
- Current political crisis is artificial, ordinary and with purifying effect, debates
- Several war signs at peace talks on formation of AEI 3
- The news agency Info-Prim Neo is no more. Say hello to IPN
- I’d hope that citizens punish destructive politicians in next elections, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
- Filat will be Premier ‘until the end of the world’
- Neutron bomb in yard of (former?) AEI
- Dombrobskis: Moldova’s good pace in Eurointegration should be justly appreciated
- “There is nothing if there's no EU” or is AIE learning how to make its bed?
- Press must be responsible for it output, public debates
- Part of press shows lack of professionalism and respect for public interest, Alexandru Tanase
- Moldova lacks culture of communication and of information consumption, debates
- Debates: Is there a stalemate in the Chisinau City Council?
- This is the final struggle... or The Internationale in Moldovan style - 2
- This is the final struggle... or The Internationale in Moldovan style
- Info-Prim: 14 years of search for oneself, with a break in the middle
- Rutieras' Strike: Irrational or Obscurely Rational?
- Igor Corman: We need to understand Germany’s interest, in order to accomplish Moldova’s interests
- Latvian Government has chosen Moldova as top priority, Latvian Charge d’Affaires to Moldova
- In five years a country's life can improve dramatically
- Government should be more open towards civilians, debates
- Political change occurred on values of a population that accepts change with reservations, debates
- Government will achieve nothing without compromise, debates
- Greatest achievement and greatest danger for Moldova
- Exclusive: Lithuania offers Moldova EU membership perspective, Irena Degutienė, Speaker of Lithuanian Seimas
- Moldova must show capacity to implement Laws on visa liberalization regime, Sergiu Ostaf
- European Integration of Moldovans as seen from… China
- Opposition should be institutionalized in Moldova, debates
- Political culture in Moldova is 'catastrophic'
- A coalition government cannot rapidly promote reforms, minister
- AEI scores defeat-smelling victory
- “March 8 is my professional day”, Daniela Terzi-Barbarosie
- Wanting to be hilarious, politicians launch offensive messages
- Anti-Romanian hysteria caused by frustration or hypocrisy?
- Selling Moldovan wine in France: How hard can it be?
- Transnistrian conflict was planned in Moscow, opinions
- Microphone is one of few enemies of radio journalist Gheorge Danu
- Authorities' reaction to Constitutional Court judgments points to maturity of rule of law, Alexandru Tanase
- Why political class keeps us in a trap?
- “I think mentality of Chinese and Moldovan peoples is generally the same”, Chinese chargé d'affaires
- Government provokes clashes between employees and employers {Info-Prim Neo analysis}
- Peacekeeping forces: hanging tank
- In a country like Moldova there is a risk that a person may grow too much above the people
- We took risks because mentality changes take place slower, Irina Tishakova
- No major political project is possible without clear ethnical conscience and powerful civic identity, Marius Lazurca
- PCRM misses chance to cause early legislative elections
- Plus-minus 2.5 reasons for electing Zinaida Greceanyi as head of state
- With Kalashnikov guns under the coat or AEI: “a life-and-death struggle” with assistants - 2
- The most important thing it's not what is in the Constitution, but the practical work done by politicians, Dirk Schuebel
- “Political autumn in Moldova will definitely be ‘hot’, if not ‘arid’, Ion Tabarta
- 2011 was the Year on the Razor’s Edge, Valeriu Vasilica
- “Transforming force of Europe represents most powerful source for Moldova’s modernization”, Kalman Mizsei
- Hanging gun went off, but killed no one yet...
- Moldova without internal enemies – II
- Moldova without internal enemies
- PCRM prepares Great Social Revolution of ... Autumn
- Filat listens and speaks as well, for first time
- It is necessary to start preparing society for potential far-reaching compromises in Transnistrian settlement
- Igor Dodon: “New, progressive life will start in Chisinau, full of accomplishments”
- Why did they have to ‘bite’ EU Ambassador to Moldova Dirk Schuebel?
- Election results in Chisinau: wolf entered pen
- Ideal day for diversions and electoral challenges. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- How many future mayors will go to Brussels? Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Early legislative elections as stake of 2011 local elections. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II
- Early legislative elections as stake of 2011 local elections. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part I
- Future Chisinau mayors acting like impertinent beggars. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Financing of all parties depends on several dozens of persons. Info-Prim Neo interview with CreDO director Sergiu Ostaf
- US diagnosis: Moldova's Communist government was not democratic. Info-Prim Neo Analysis
- Interview: Authorities demonstrate corporate interest by obstructing funding of civil society organizations
- Moldova condemned, without alternative. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II
- Moldova condemned, without alternative. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part I
- Whither Moldova goes? Info-Prim Neo analysis, part IV
- Whither Moldova goes? Info-Prim Neo analysis, part III
- Whither goest Moldova? Part II
- Where and how does Moldova go? Info-Prim Neo analysis, part I
- What Moldovan wrestling and Internet have in common
- Talking with Europeans about Moldovans. Info-Prim Neo interview with Dirk Schuebel, head of the EU Delegation to Moldova
- Vote recount like a beneficial shock for parliamentary parties. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Stability of Moldova's democracy depends on politicians' wisdom in negotiations, Info-Prim Neo interview with Mr. Kálmán Mizsei, EU Special Representative for the Republic of Moldova
- Young people want to get involved, know how and why. Info-Prim Neo interview with Sandu Coica, National Youth Council chairman
- When politicians suck at culture. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Why Voronin Said No to Filat. Info-Prim Neo Analysis
- Last “EU Epistle” to Moldovans: triumphal call or voice crying in the wilderness? Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II
- Last “EU Epistle” to Moldovans: triumphal call or voice crying in the wilderness?... Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Bomb with cumulative effect or how many official languages does Moldova need? Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Mocanu-Plahotniuc scandal: who profits from it? Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Secret “Transnistrian book” of Russia. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Why is Russia behaving towards Moldova like “gardeners’ dog”? Info-Prim Neo interview with Russian independent expert Dmitry Danilov from the series “19 years of Independence”
- “Are the new Moldovans coming?” - an Info-Prim Neo interview with the siblings Cristina and Dumitru Podgurschi, from the cycle “19 Years of Independence”
- Dangerous recurrences. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- AEI has died ‘a good death’. Long live A! Info-Prim Neo analysis, part III
- AEI has died a ‘good death’. Long live A! Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II
- AIE has died a good death. Long live A! Info-Prim Neo analysis, part I
- Ghimpu decree: unformulated national cause. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part III
- Ghimpu decree: unformulated national cause. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II
- Ghimpu decree: unformulated national cause. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part I
- Instinct of self-preservation expressed differently by Moldovan political leaders. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Synchronization, repositioning and regrouping in 5 + 2 format talks. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- April 2009 vandalism and camomile guessing, Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Trade union movement yielded to political parties. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- “I have pity on Gumenita, but I have more pity on myself”. Info-Prim Neo Commentary
- New Visa Code benefits applicants of all nationalities, in particular those from neighbouring countries such as Moldova. Info-Prim Neo Interview with Dirk Lorenz, Political Officer of the EU Delegation to Moldova
- Contradictory statements within ruling coalition weaken government's efforts to solve Transnistrian conflict. Info-Prim Neo Interview with EU Special Representative for Moldova Kalman Mizsei
- Moldovans will be accepted in Europe only when they feel comfortable with the official language of their country. Info-Prim Neo Interview with Alexei Axan, professor at the Romanian Language House
- Moldova's tolerant society and civil society in particular should do more to make politicians start talking with each other. Interview offered to Info-Prim Neo by EU Special Representative to Moldova Kalman Mizsei
- “Muruianu” throws down the gauntlet. Who will pick it up? Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Acts of vandalism: equation with unknowns on both sides. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Igor Botan: Political parties will not be able to set their electoral strategies without consulting a work as “Electoral Lessons at Moldova's Democracy School”
- Syndrome of absenteeism in Chisinau Municipal Council. Info-Prim Neo analysis
- Chirtoaca’s First 100 Days as Mayor of Chisinau. Info-Prim Neo Review, Part V
- Chirtoaca’s First 100 Days as Mayor of Chisinau. Info-Prim Neo Review, PART IV
- Chirtoaca’s First 100 Days as Mayor of Chisinau. Info-Prim Neo Review, PART III
- Chirtoaca’s First 100 Days as Mayor of Chisinau. Info-Prim Neo Review, PART II
- Chirtoaca’s First 100 Days as Mayor. Info-Prim Neo Review, PART I
- In 2009 Moldova Communists could return to opposition. Info-Prim Neo Analysis
- Info-Prim Neo interview ignored by candidates running for Chisinau Mayor General, Veaceslav Iordan and Dorin Chirtoaca
- Subordination through unification. Commentary by Info-Prim Neo
- June 3 local elections in Chisinau could be invalidated. Investigation by Info-Prim Neo
- Future Chisinau Municipal Council will be almost twice more heterogeneous than the former composition. Commentary by Info-Prim Neo
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part VII
- “Program for ideal mayor” can be created from all the platforms of the candidates for Chisinau Mayor. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part III
- Candidates for Chisinau Mayor propose 70 initiatives on city development. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part II
- Election platforms of the candidates for Chisinau mayor are only declarations for an immature electorate. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part VI
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Info-Prim Neo analysis, Part V
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Info-Prim Neo analysis, Part IV
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Info-Prim Neo analysis, Part III
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part II
- Average Chisinau Resident in front of electoral lists. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part I
- How Chisinau residents will remember Mayor General of 2003 – 2007. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part IV
- How Chisinau residents will remember the Chisinau Municipal Council of 2003-2007. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part III
- How the Chisinau residents will remember the Chisinau Municipal Council of 2003-2007. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part II
- Chisinau Municipal Council 2003 – 2007 as seen by Chisinau residents. Analysis by Info-Prim Neo, Part I