Utilization of sources of ionizing radiation will be under strict control

The sources of ionizing radiation (SIR) and nuclear material (NM) used in medicine, industry, agriculture and scientific research and can have serious determinant effects if the safety rules are not respected will be strictly monitored, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Government has made a decision regarding the creation of the National Register of SIR and the regulations concerning its keeping. The register will be managed by the National Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Regulation. The SIR and NM will be included in the register according to a categorization system based on their level of dangerousness. Those forming part of the first category pose an increased risk to health if used by not observing the safety rules. The users of SIR and NM - legal entities and private individuals, regardless of the pattern of ownership or subordination - will be also included in the register. The regulations say that the public administrations and other users that carry out activities with SIR and NM should inventory them within 45 days of the day when the decision takes effect and present the given information to the Agency by December 31 of every year. The same decision obliges the Customs Service to email the information concerning the import and export of SIR and NM with digital signature to the Agency every month. It should also indicate the source and tariff group. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Violeta Ivanov said that the creation of the Register of SIR and NM is stipulated in the law on the safe carrying out of nuclear and radiological activities and is a condition of the obligations assumed by Moldova when joining the Vienna Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

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