US-Moldova relationship taken to higher level, US Ambassador

The recent visit of United States Vice President Joe Biden to Moldova has taken the bilateral relationship to a higher level, according to US Ambassador to Moldova Asif Chaudhry, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The reason this was a historic visit is that, in spite of the wonderful ongoing dialogue between the United States Government and the Republic of Moldova, this takes our relationship to a new, higher level. I truly think that this will have a long-term beneficial impact on our relationship”, Ambassador Chaudhry stated in an interview with Radio Moldova. “The United States wants that this region of Eastern Europe to be a democratic region which is economically prosperous, a region which is at peace and has security. “Peace, security and stability in this part of Europe means peace, security and stability in Europe as a whole. And I think no one can deny that peace, security and stability in Europe as a whole is good for the United States” said Asif Chaudhry. The diplomat said that such higher-level visits were essentially a confirmation of a higher engagement and interest of the US Government and a reiteration of support to Moldova. Asked whether Joe Biden could visit Moldova again, as the vice president himself said during his public speech in Chisinau, Asif Chaudhry said the vice president would like this very much to happen. According to Ambassador Chaudhry, Joe Biden said his visit to Moldova was an extraordinary experience and that he was impressed by the Moldovans' hospitality.

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