Last night's quake measured 5.8 degrees on the Richter scale and had an intensity of 5 degrees all over Moldova on a scale of 12. The earthquake occurred in Vrancea region of Romania, at a depth of 82 km, at 2:11am.
Head of the Experimental Seismology Institute of the Institute of Geology and Seismology of Chisinau Ion Ilies has told IPN that the quake was fel all over the country, but was more intense in the south, being accompanied by a powerful sound that scared the residents of the region. An aftershock followed 37 minutes later, with an intensity of 2.7 degrees. Such quakes usually do not have powerful aftershocks.
An earthquake measuring 7 degrees on the Richter scale, at an intermediate depth of 60-200, km would have been dangeorus. Ion Ilies said the persons feel the quake differently, depending on the type and state of the buildings where they are and on the sensibility to natural phenomena.
The last quake of such a scale occurred in November 2014. It measured 5.7 degrees on the Richter scale.