Up to 700 people in Moldova resort to suicide annually

Moldova takes the 20th place in the world by the number of cases of suicide. Some 500-700 people decide to kill themselves in Moldova annually. In a news conference at IPN, head of the public association “Altruism” Liuba Ceban said that from statistic viewpoint, each case of suicide has repercussions for at least seven persons, who suffer.

“Suicide is a sensitive subject worldwide. In Moldova, we are taking the first steps to learn how to present news about suicide. I often saw that the people who tried to kill themselves are marginalized and face the stereotype that they have a mental problem, which is not always true,” said Liuba Ceban.

She noted that the persons who feel that they cannot cope with the difficulties and need the advice of a specialist can use the free hotline for information and psychological assistance www.pentruviata.md, in the chat section. The discussions are confidential and free.

Journalist Angela Arama told the same news conference that the topic of suicide in Moldova is often a taboo. “We speak about people who are normal in fact, but face particular problems with which they cannot cope. The way the journalists cover the cases of suicide or attempted suicide influence a lot the further life of the relatives of such persons,” she stated.

She added that social activism must be perceived in a different way, while the journalists must assume social responsibility because they are those who form the public opinion. “The people in Moldova believe that those who resort to suicide are mentally ill, alcoholic or weak persons. This is not so. There are many myths that we believe and promote through the media,” said Angela Arama.

According to her, the persons who commit suicide usually need the assistance of those who are near them, but they don’t know how to seek help and the journalists should not present these persons as individuals who committed something serious.

During three months, from June to September, “Altruism” will carry out a campaign entitled “Words can heal” in a bid to combat discrimination against persons who attempted suicide, especially children, and the families that lost members as a result of suicide.

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