The power distributor to Moldova's center and south, RED Union Fenosa, is concerned with the annual growth of illicit power consumption. On Thursday, May 7, the company invited officials and experts to consider the issue of seals and new technologies protecting power measurement equipment, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“All have to suffer because of these thefts: the company, the state, which does not get the taxes from the unbilled power, and the citizens,” said Xavier Socha, who is in charge with the project of losses reduction in the company.
He showed a video, offered by the police, showing a person connecting devices to power meters and receiving money for his services. “The biggest part of thefts is done by manipulating meter seals,” Socha said.
The conference organized by RED Union Fenosa has been attended by experts from the Economic Crimes and Corruption Combating Center, from the Metrology Institute, from the Consumer Protecting Center, from the Energy Regulating National Agency, as well as from a series of companies supplying fuels and energy.