UniAgroProtect disapproves of regulations on use of agriculture support fund

"The National Union of Agricultural Producers' Associations UniAgroProtect will continue to promote the alternative regulations concerning the subsidization of the agricultural producers through all the legal methods, including by protests,” the organization's vice president Alexandru Slusari said at a meeting, Info-Prim Neo reports. Slusari said UniAgroProtect disapproves of the regulations on the use of the agriculture subsidization fund published in the Official Gazette on March 12. The farmers are dissatisfied with the contest conditions defined in the regulations and with the fact that the business plans will be assessed according to criteria set by order of the Minister of Agriculture. Alexandru Slusari said the limitation of the size of the subsidy that one producer can get will not make the small farmers prosperous immediately. “The regulations do not suggest specific measures to sport the small farmers. They only obstruct the large ones with good performance indicators. There should be formulated a program to support the small farmers and improve their competitiveness,” he stated. Vasile Myrzenko, the head of the National Farmers Federation of Moldova, said the producers should not be divided according to the size of the business. “Not all the large producers are successful. Some of them sustain losses during many years,” he said. The agriculture subsidization fund for this year includes 300 million lei for 10 areas of activity.

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