Ukrainian female refugees became employed thanks to project of “Motivație” Association

Four Ukrainian female refugees managed to find a job with the assistance of the Moldovan Association “Motivație” within the framework of the project “Solidarity and Activism for Peace” that lasted for a year.

In a news conference staged by IPN, Victoria Boțan, public relations specialist of “Motivație” Association, told the story of Liuba, a young refugee woman from Ukraine who became employed at a public eating place in Moldova as a cook. The young woman adjusted quickly and could honor her professional duties.

“Motivație” executive director Ludmila Iachim said that in the crisis situation that started last year, the Association began to also offer support to Ukrainian refugees, with emphasis on persons with disabilities. The support consisted of the distribution of parcels with food and hygiene products, accessible transport for persons with disabilities, medicines, psychological counseling, transfers from different points, including outside the country. A number of projects that were initiated last year and continue this year envision the offering of assistance to refugees.

Within the same project, 66 women from Moldova and Ukraine, with and without disabilities, were actively involved in the promotion of social inclusion. This result was achieved by organizing three activities – a cleanup activity in Ialoveni, a cultural activity in Șoldnești and a visit to the house of culture in Borogani village of Leova district. All the activities were aimed at promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities and of female Ukrainian refugees.

Also, 38 women from the districts of Leova, Șoldănești and Ialoveni acquired skills to become actively involved in the management of the humanitarian crisis.

Daniela Dutca, project officer of UN Women Moldova - the partner of the project, said the financing of the project was possible thanks to the support obtained from the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund that opened its financial umbrella for Moldova immediately after the country had to cope with the unprecedented refugee crisis.

Note: IPN News Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.


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