Ukraine’s decision to stop exporting electricity does not affect Moldova, ministry

The Ukrainian authorities’ decision to stop the exports of electric power, taken on November 28, 2014, does not affect Moldova’s energy security. According to a communique of the Ministry of Economy, the Cuchurgan Power Plant located in Transnistria increased the production of electric power and turned out to be a reliable partner that is dependably supplying Moldova with electricity, IPN reports.

Starting with last December, the end-users in Moldova are supplied with about 75% of the necessary power by the Cuchurgan Power Plant, while the other 25% are provided by the local thermoelectric plants CETs. Only less than 1% of electricity is imported from Ukraine now. The supply cannot be interrupted fully for technical reasons.

The Cuchurgan Power Plant can generate electricity for satisfying Moldova’s needs and for exporting to the East and the West. Following the power deficiency in Ukraine, the authorities in Kiev asked that the plant should export electricity to the neighboring country as well.

The Ministry of Economy said the Government of Moldova is looking for solutions to diversify the sources of electricity and natural gas. A number of interconnection projects with Romania are being designed and implemented.

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