Ukraine remains consistent in Transnistrian settlement process, ambassador

Ukraine remains consistent in the Transnistrian settlement process and supports the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. It will fulfill its obligations of mediator in this process and will insist that the other negotiation partners should do the same, Ukraine’s Ambassador in Chisinau Ivan Gnatishin said in a conference on security staged at the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Embassy of Ukraine, Ivan Gnatishin expressed his conviction that the implementation of reforms in Moldova and Ukraine will directly contribute to the restoration of regional security.

The diplomat noted that it is not right to say the ‘crisis in Ukraine” as the conflict faced by his country actually has three dimensions – geopolitical, which is a conflict of Russia with the West, bilateral – between Russia and Ukraine, and civilizational – the struggle by the Ukrainian people for its European future. None of the conflicts in the CIS area has been resolved and this shows that the efficiency of the world security system decreased.

Ivan Gnatishin reminded that the victims of the deportations of 1944, when Tatars from Crimea where deported and subject to pressure, were commemorated recently. “The occupation in 2014 of Crimea by Russia is a new challenge for Ukraine and for the Tatars,” he stated.

The ambassador considers that the victory won at the Eurovision Song Contest by the Ukrainian singer of Tatar origin Jamala with the song “1944” enabled to sensitize the international community to the problems faced by the Ukrainian people.

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