Two teams fined by Moldovan Football Federation

Milsami and Veris were fined by 5,000 lei each for the fight during the friendly match played in Orhei on October 11. Such a decision was taken by the competitions committee of the Moldovan Football Federation, IPN reports.

Milsami must also pay 3,000 lei for the absence of order maintenance services and non-ensuring of the safety and protection of match officials, players and spectators.

Milsami halfback Eugen Slivca was hurt the worst in the fight. He suffered a concussion and got his nose broken.

As a result of these incidents, the administration of the club Veris decided not to play the home matches in Orhei. The team trained by Lilian Popescu will play these matches in Ghidighici. On October 18, Veris meets Sheriff Tiraspol in Ghidighici.

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