Two students suspected of asking €1,450 bribe for fake baccalaureate diploma

Two students, one studying criminal law and the other business and management, are suspected to have asked €1,450 from a person in order to fake a baccalaureate diploma with an average mark of 8.5, although he had not passed the necessary exams, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the denunciator, the two students, aged 21 and 22, told him they could influence some workers from the Ministry of Education to issue the diploma and register it in the official database. On Wednesday, August 3, CCCEC officers arrested one of the students on Decebal Street when he received €1,150 labeled “CCCEC bribe”. A few hours later, in a park on Costiujeni Street, his accomplice was caught with branded €300. Currently, one of the suspects is held in custody at the Center's detention center, while the other is investigated at large. According to CCCEC, this wasn’t their first crime of this kind. They are prosecuted for traffic of influence.

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