Two persons killed in fire

A mother of two children aged 25 died from carbon monoxide poisoning in a fire in Rogojeni village of Soldanesti district, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service. The Service's spokeswoman Dorina Cruc said the young woman took her children to her relatives in Rogojeni as he husband beat her and sent her away. The children were sleeping in the house, while their mother and the 23-year-old son of the relatives in an annex. A fire broke out in the annex from the faulty stove. The young man managed to escape, but the woman did not. Witnesses said they saw the man and woman drinking alcohol. A man aged 57 from Trebisauti village of Briceni district was discovered dead in his bed that caught fire from a burning cigarette. A BMW caught fire in a yard of an apartment building in Soroca. The fire extended to a Ford parked nearby, damaging it. The cause of fire is being established.

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