Two more persons died because of flu-related complications

Another two cases of death associated with acute respiratory infections and A(H1N1) flu have been reported. The victims are a pregnant woman aged 28 and a 71-year-old man. Ten persons died because of flu-related complications so far this year.

Contacted by IPN, the head of the Chisinau Health Division Mihai Moldovanu said the man was admitted to the Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases “Toma Ciorba” with symptoms of flu. On March 3, he was transferred to the National Clinical Hospital, to the intensive care section.

The 30 weeks pregnant young woman pregnant was admitted to the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 with signs of cold, fever and risk of mischarge on February 25. She received specific treatment with antiviral drugs, but her state worsened daily. A council of doctors decided she will be subject to a caesarian section on March 3. The premature baby had a congenital malformation of the esophagus and died in the intensive care section. Doctors’ attempts to save the woman failed. She died on March 7, leaving a child aged five.

The Ministry of Health said 54 cases of flu were recorded at the National Public Health Center on March 7 and 8, as against 89 cases a week before.

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