Two apartment buildings in Vatra disconnected from heat supply

Two apartment buildings located on Mihai Eminescu St in Vatra town of Chisinau municipality remained without heat three days ago. The supplier invokes unsettled debts, while the authorities say they are making everything possible to restore the supply of power.

Contacted by IPN, mayor of Vatra Ion Bobeica said the blocks were built by a state company managed by the Ministry of the Environment, which abandoned them. The dwellers didn’t manage to create an association and to sign individual contracts with the suppliers. The supplier of heat invokes debts of about 60 million lei.

The two-story apartment buildings have by 16 apartments each and the dwellers now cope how they can, with electrical heaters and other heating devices. According to the mayor, the decision to disconnect the blocks is illegal because the law obliges the supplier to have direct contracts with each consumer, but it avoids signing contracts with the people.

The mayor also said that discussions are held with the company for the supply of heat to be restored.

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