Twenty-seven candidates for three posts at Teleradio-Moldova

The deadline for applications for filling the posts of president of the national public broadcaster Teleradio-Moldova, director of the public television channel and director of the national radio station expired on January 27 at 17.00, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Teleradio-Moldova Eugen Rybka, most of the candidates submitted applications during the last several hours. The candidates include such famous journalists as Alexandru Dorogan, Constantin Marin, Valeriu Saharneanu and Valentina Ursu and TV stars as Nicu Scorpan and Alexandru Grosu. The list also contains Alexandru Osadcenco, Aurelian lavric, Lilian Cibotaru, Boris Postovan, Oleg Brega, and Ghenadie Brega. Fourteen persons compete for the post of president of the national public broadcaster. Thirteen candidates applied for the post of director of the public television channel, including Valeriu Frumusachi, Angela Sarbu, Nicu Scorpan, Mircea Surdu, Efim Josanu, Ecaterina Stratan, Alexandru Grosu, Gheorghe Barsan, Mihail Mihailov and others. Among the candidates competing for the post of director of the national radio station are Vlad Turcanu, Alexandru Dorogan, Oleg Brega, Serghei Scanteian, Eduard Maciac, Oleg Grajdean, Angela Sarbu, Ecaterina Stratan, Ion Mazur and Alla Marin. The Supervisory Board will examine the 27 candidates within ten days and announce the winner.

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