Trial of Botnari and Papuc case will continue in September

The examination of the case of former Minister of the Interior Gheorghe Papuc and former police commissioner of Chisinau Vladimir Botnari will go on in September with the hearing of witnesses. The decision was taken by the Centru district court on July 23, Info-Prim Neo reports. Prosecutor Liliana Berdes specified the charges against Vladimir Botnari – irresponsibility and misconduct in office in connection with the maltreatment and torture by police officers of 91 young persons on the night of April 8, 2009, which resulted in serious bodily injuries. Vladimir Botnari pleads not guilty. After the hearing, his lawyer Gheorghe Avornic said they will prove that the former commissioner is innocent. He also said he filed an application, asking that the case be closed, but received no answer yet. “The evidence and the witnesses will help prove that Vladimir Botnari is not guilty,” he told the reporters. Forty witnesses are to be heard in September, during three days. Vladimir Botnari is charged with misconduct in office and involvement in the maltreatment of young people in police commissariats in April 2009. Gheorghe Papuc is charged with misconduct in office that resulted Valeriu Boboc’s death and misappropriation of over 800,000 lei from the Ministry of the Interior.

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