Transnistrian leader: We are hit by economic, logistical and energy hardships

The Transnistrian region is facing serious economic, logistical and energy difficulties, said the leader of the region Vadim Krasnoselsky.

In his New Year's Eve speech, the self-proclaimed Transnistrian leader acknowledged the difficult state of affairs, IPN reports.

Krasnoselsky explained that "it was the geopolitical situation that had a substantial negative impact on the Transnistrian region in 2024."

"Despite the difficulties, we did not allow the wave of crisis to suffocate the Transnistrian region. We did not allow panic to be sown in society. We combined sources in order to overcome this challenge with dignity," said the Transnistrian leader.

"How was the year 2024? Every year is difficult. I don't remember anyone starting their New Year's Eve speech with the expression: "It was easy last year". Life is always about overcoming hardships," added Krasnoselsky.

The leader from Tiraspol included messages of encouragement and optimism in his address. "I believe that the new year will be the year of peace, unity and development. I wish you health and prosperity, confidence in your own strengths and in tomorrow."

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