Train tickets to Iasi at half price during three days

Those who want to travel to Iasi by train on February 24, when it is celebrated Dragobete, can purchase tickets at half price starting with February 22. The tickets will be sold at a promotional price until the departure day inclusive, IPN reports.

Director of the Chisinau Railway Terminal Mihai Arusoi told a news conference that the Chisinau-Iasi train service is usually available only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, but an exception will be made on February 24, which falls on a Wednesday.

Thus, those who want to go to Iasi on February 24 can purchase second-class tickets for 74 lei and third-class tickets for 66 lei. Tickets at half-prices are available both from the ticket offices of the railway stations in Chisinau and Ungheni and online.

The winners of the contest launched by the state-run company “Moldova’s Railways” on a social networking site on the occasion of Dragobete (a traditional Romanian holiday considered to be the equivalent of Valentine’s Day) will benefit from free first-class tickets.

On February 24, the Chisinau-Iasi train, Socola station, leaves the Chisinau Railway Terminal at 6:54am and is to arrive in Iasi at 10am.

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