March 2, 1992 was the day when the tragedy of independent Moldova started. It was the continuation of what happened to this territory on June 28, 1940 and during the first tsarist occupation of 1812, Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca said during a meeting held on the occasion of the Memory Day, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Dorin Chirtoaca said that our duty is to go on, set objectives that will strengthen society and do so that the sacrifice of those who fell in the war is not useless.
“We still experience the consequences of that tragic destiny. This is a cause why many Moldovans go abroad and there is no progress that would be felt by everyone. It’s a pity that many Moldovans still hope that those who did evil will do us good,” Dorin Chirtoaca said in the morning, when laying flowers at the monument to Stephan the Great.
The mayor considers that the Transnistrian dispute can be solved by changing the entire administration of Moldova so that democratic institutions function and the living standards are improved and the Transnistrians could compare the situation on the two banks of the Nistru.
On March 2, it is 20 years of the start of the armed conflict on the Nistru, in which 386 persons lost their lives, while about 300 remained invalids.