Traffic police carry out raids

The General Traffic Police Division on Saturday morning organized a raid through the municipality of Chisinau to monitor how the drivers observe the traffic rules and remind them that from November 1 they have to travel with a short-phase light regime, Info-Prim Neo reports. After instructed by the Division’s deputy head Gheorghe Gatman, five teams of traffic police officers went to the arteries where violations are committed most often, like the highways going to Stauceni and Anenii Noi. Senior inspector at the General Traffic Police Division Victor Gandraman said the aim of the operations was to reduce the number of road accidents and their consequences and to remind the motorists that they must use a short-phase light regime between November 1 and March 31. “Under the new Code of Administrative Offences, the drivers who will not observe this rule will be fined 100 to 200 lei,” the inspector said. According to statistical data, most of the accidents over the first nine months of this year happened on Friday and Sunday, when the inhabitants were leaving or returning to the municipality of Chisinau. The police warn that speeding, the non-fastening of the seatbelt and driving under the influence are the most frequent causes of accidents. The pedestrians are to blame for each tenth accident.

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