The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova insists that exact terms be set for raising the minimum salary to the minimum subsistence level, i.e. from 1 100 to 1 500 lei, Info-Prim Neo reports. In the November 24 meeting of the Confederation’s General Council, the members of the Council stressed the necessity of submitting the bill on the minimum subsistence level to Parliament without delay. ”The exaggerated expenditure on food products and maintenance, which exceeds 60% of the necessities, is a proof that the population is poor,” said the Confederation’s chairman Oleg Budza. Most of the poor persons are budget-funded salary earners whose pay, for the first category, is two times lower than the minimum subsistence level. “The economic crisis in Moldova goes on, but the state institutions devote grater attention to the commitments made to the international financial organizations rather than the dialogue with the social partners,” said Oleg Budza. The trade unions also demand annulling the legislative amendments whereby the length of service before retirement was raised from 30 to 35 years and that provide that the first day of temporary incapacity for work is not compensated from the state social insurance budget. In the meeting, unionists from all over the country discussed a series of aspects of the socioeconomic situation of the salary earners and the steps taken by the trade unions. The members of the General Council decided that the Second Congress of the National Confederation of Trade Unions will be held in 2012.