To develop, national culture needs state support, PM

Only by strengthening the cultural community, can we contribute to our development as society with common values. Culture does not have borders and does not have a treaty or a contract. To develop, the national culture needs the support of the state and of the people, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița stated in connection with the National Day of Culture, IPN reports.

She noted that the National Day of Culture that is annually celebrated on Mihai Eminescu’s birthday honors the people of culture and their activities. Homage is today rendered to the persons who, by their prodigious work, have contributed to maintaining the cultural identity.

For his part, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said the national culture is a proof of perpetuity, is the perfect way for a nation to assert itself in front of the world. “In this regard, we are a lucky nation as we have who to be proud of,” stated the official.

On the occasion of the Day of Culture, the authorities laid flowers and honored the people of culture who passed away last year. Among them are writer Nicolae Dabija, plastic artist Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu, artist Iurie Sadovnic and others. “They are a huge loss for our culture, but their works of an inestimable valley will always exist,” stated Igor Grosu.

The National Day of Culture is annually marked on January 15, on the birthday of great bard Mihai Eminescu.

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